Chapter Five

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Mitch POV

The past few days had been horrible, just horrible. Scott and I both were barely sleeping now that he knew my deep, dark secret, his hand was worse than ever and yet he refused to go to the hospital, and worst of all, I recieved a text from Trevor. I don't know how he'd gotten my new number, but it was only one text, so I didn't tell Scott about it.

It read: I miss you under me babe.

The text made me want to hurl, but I simply deleted it and tried to keep my mind off of everything. I was throwing myself into catering to Scott. He tried to stop me from doing everything for him, but I wanted to, it was a nice distraction from real life. He insisted that his hand was 'fine' but it had now turned a deep purple, almost black.

Nightmares had become frequent occurences for me, so Scott had insisted on sleeping in my room with me most nights so that he could calm me down if I needed him. I loved having him in my bed, but not for the reason he thought.

Tonight, though, I decided I would try to lose myself in my music. I'd stopped writing songs after what Trevor did. I would try on occasion, but they all came out so horribly depressing that I just gave up completely. I wanted to relive the feeling of finishing a song and knowing that it was perfect, though, so I sat down on the piano bench, ready to give it another try.

The piano was shoved against a wall in our living room and Scott was in his bedroom just laying around playing on his phone. I started to play a melody that had been rattling around in my brain the past couple days, but it sounded very sad. I started again in a higher pitch, trying to make it a little happier, but to no avail. I scratched that tune completely from my mind and instead started trying to write lyrics.

I wrote page after page of words, but nothing was fitting together right. I think the problem was my lack of inspiration. The only thing I could think about lately was Trevor. I groaned.

Scott came walking out of his room. "Hey what were you playing a few minutes ago?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Just some random melody that was in my head."

"It was really good." He complimented, his eyes letting me know that he was telling the truth.

I looked down at the piano, my hands resting on the keys. "I don't know. It seemed a bit too sad."

"Sad songs are my favorite, though." He reminded me.

I didn't respond, just stared blankly at the keys. I didn't want to write anything that would remind me of the worst time of my life. I wanted to be able to be happy again, and I thought that music might be the answer, but that was quickly proving to be untrue.

"Hey, so we're out of milk and I was hoping to have some cereal for breakfast tomorrow morning." Scott said softly, breaking me out of my trance.

I started to stand up. "Okay, I'll run to the store."

He put his hand on my shoulder. "No, no, I'll go. You just stay here and finish that song."

"I'm not letting you drive like this." I reminded him. "No driving privileges until you have that hand looked at."

"I can drive with one hand," He said, glaring.

I nodded, "Yes, but it's extremely unsafe. I'd be worrying about you the whole time you're gone."

"I'll text you as soon as I get to the store, I promise." He said, backing toward the door.

I grabbed his arm. "Scottland." I said his nickname with a hint of authority in my voice, but he still smiled. "You're not driving anywhere."

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