He laughed in a carefree manner at my words and rested his hands against the glass counter. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Not many places around here have them."

"Not many places around here have anything," I scoffed.

"Very true. You just passing through then I'm guessing?"

I would let him slide for his nosiness. Most of his costumers are probably regulars. "No, I'm moving here actually."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? Hopefully you will like it here."

"Oh, I'm sure I will love it," I mumbled with a chuckle. "I'm not some prissy city girl, but it's going to be hard to get used to."

His lips curved inward, humored. No doubt disagreeing with my self-assessment based on my appearance. My shirt was brown with sequins, jeans studded, and I'm sure he noticed my make-up. Well, he can kiss my ass for all I care.

Before I could call him out, he nodded in understanding. "Moving is always hard. Do you like the place so far?"

"I actually haven't seen the place in person yet. Based on the pictures though, it looks dumpy."

Yes, I know it's stupid to rent before seeing the place. With my situation though, I had to move fast – and my dad found this place to be the best option. He delivered the documents for me to sign and did all the work. Not that he would be helping me in the future. He wanted me gone more for his sake than mine.

"Wow, that was quite a gamble. I'm assuming you are just renting then?"

Jesus, this guy was nosy. Then again, I don't blame him for being curious. The most exciting shit that probably happens around here is neighborhood gossip or a hunting tournament. "Yeah. One year lease. I'm not 100% sure where the house is from here, but it's on a road that dead ends at the water apparently."

He rested his hands on the glass counter and met my eyes. I'm not self-conscious, but man, his blue eyes made mine feel dull. "I'm pretty sure that is Caddmere Road. All the folks rent on that road. Have you met the landlord yet?"

"No, actually. Probably will soon though."

His lips spread thin in sympathy for me. "I heard he's a real asshole."


"I doubt he will have any Pall Malls for you either. So can I get anything else for you?" he asked, looking behind him to the rack of cigarettes.

"It's alright, I'll find them somewhere."

He turned back to me. "Well, alright, I'm sure I'll see you around. Good luck with the new 'dumpy' house."


Wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead (because there was no fucking AC), I left the gas station and got back in my car. I guess I would have to stock up on Pall Malls when I head back to the city. That is, if I can afford it. I wasn't exactly in the best shape with money.

Two minutes after following my GPS, I turned down a gravel road. It was short with only a couple houses (I'd say 7 on each side). Every home looked the same. One story, brown or white siding, with a large bay window next to the front doors. Each home had plenty of trees, offering privacy, or a small picket fence. The houses were close to the road, but the side and back yards were spacy. Sounds cute right? Well, at least half the houses looked vacant of life and needed work done. There was shit growing in some gutters, weeds, and plenty of houses needed paint-jobs.

There was more to take in, but the fucking road didn't allow it! Stupid gravel was kicking up clouds of white dust and I couldn't see shit. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I hit the brakes, slowing down – and it only helped visibility slightly. Didn't think it was a crime to go 50 in the country, but I guess so.

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