Namjoon simply put his head in his hands. He really needed to get his license. 


Nana knocked on the door. It was a pattern her parents were familiar with, and so they wasted no time opening the door for her. They were greeted by eight familiar smiling faces.

"Mom! Dad!" She leapt into their arms and embraced them tightly. 

"Nageum-ah, it's been too long," her parents scolded lovingly. "Look at you, all grown up." Moving her attention from her daughter to the line of boys fooling around behind her, she exclaimed, "look at how grown up all of you are! Are you telling me this is the same group of boys from seven years ago?"

They all grinned, shy at the doting tone in her voice. 

"Well, hurry up, come in, come in," her dad ushered. "Geum-ah, your brothers are inside waiting."

"Really?" She brightened even more (if that was possible). "I thought they said they wouldn't be able to make it?"

"They lied, as siblings tend to do." She barely heard his reply before she rushed into the house.

"What's up, losers?" She shouted, mostly at her only hearing brother, although she did make an effort to sign it to her twin to get the message across.

"Ew, who let the raccoon in?" Her older brother joked when she came into his line of sight. Similarly, Namu was hurling names at her at lightning speed with his hands.

"Even though you both are the most terrible human beings on earth and belong in a trash pile behind a Play-do factory, I still lov–tolerate you. Now, come here!" They bounded towards her, scooping her up in their arms and giggling at each other the way only siblings could after insulting each other. 

"What are we, dogs?"

"You don't deserve to be dogs."

"You've been here for one minute, and you come into my house, disrespect my honor, and eat my lasagna–"

"We get it, you're Garfield."


"Taehyung, pass the asparagus–wait, did you eat all of it?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? Y'know it's my favorite," he mumbled almost unintelligibly through a mouthful of roasted asparagus.

"Fine, forget it," he turned his attention towards Jungkook. "Kookie, pass the carrots–are you kidding me," he deadpanned, seeing only a few slices remained.

"You shouldn't be surprised," Yoongi commented, subtly using his chopsticks to steal a few from the pile on Jungkook's plate and place them on Jin's. 

"Oh, you boys eat so well," Nana's mom cooed at them, seeing the heaps of food in their bowls. "So much better than my children."

"Hey!" Protested said children.

"Don't 'hey' me. If you ate as good as them, then I wouldn't have anything to say. You guys are too skinny; look at their muscles," she teased (sort of).

"I'm muscular!" Jongsuk flexed, causing everyone to laugh.

"Bruh, I have more muscles than that," Nana flexed, too, comparing her arm to his. 

"In what world would those puny things be bigger than these?"

I may be deaf, but you're both blind. Namu signed, then put up his arms, pushing up his muscles with his other hand. 

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