Glaze: A Guard

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Theme: Mermaid

Garroth carried the man to shore, the cool evening wind making him shiver. Once the man was safe, he dragged himself back into the water. As he looked back, he couldn't help but feel sorry that he was leaving the man there but, he couldn't do it any other way. He dove under the waves and there waiting for him was his guard, Blaze. His sword was tied to his waist while he arms were crossed. His red tail swayed back and forth as he watched Garroth come back down.
He knew his prince wasn't suppose to do the things he was doing but, he couldn't do anything about it.
Garroth is known to be stubborn and passionate about his opinions. If Blaze wanted to stop him, there was probably no chance of that happening. He just didn't understand why Garroth was so intrigued by everything up there. There's equally interesting things under the ocean, things that humans might never see. Why wouldn't he want that?

"Are your little adventures done for the evening?", Blaze asked, tired from the long day. Garroth rolled his eyes and said; "You didn't have to come with me if you didn't want to. You know I can handle myself."

The blonde started to swim towards his father's kingdom, Blaze still by his side. "It's my job to go with you wherever you go. If I don't, your father will go into a riot,", Blaze argued, trying to defend himself. "You know what happened to your mother...if you father knew you were going up there everyday, I would already be long gone. You can't keep doing this."

"In my defense,", Garroth said, ignoring the fact that his best friend brought up a sensitive subject, "you even pointed out how it would be horrible to see that man drown. I was only doing what's best. Besides, other times, I've done worse."

"Exactly. Maybe next time I won't be able to save you if you get caught in a net."

Garroth didn't say anything. He knew Blaze did have a point. He truly didn't know how he would've gotten out of those two situations if it wasn't for the help from him or that sweet girl from Phoenix Drop. 

"Thank you,", Garroth finally said. "It means a lot that you support me with this stuff..."

"Support isn't the right word but, sure, whatever,", Blaze huffed, still annoyed that Garroth wasn't getting what he was saying.

"You know what?", Garroth sternly said, stopping immediately, making Blaze turn back, regretting his tone. "If you want me to stop, just tell me."


Garroth sighed and said; "You're my best friend Blaze. Besides Zane and my father, your the only family I have in my mind. Your approval means a lot to if you want me to stop, I'll stop."

"But, you love that stuff,", Blaze said, completely doing a reverse on what he said moments before. "I don't want to be responsible for taking that away from you."

"You're really confusing me Blaze!"

"You're confusing me! I don't why you're not afraid of them!"

"Why in the world would I be?"

" know why."

Garroth calmed down and said after a moment's pause, "Just tell me what you want me to do."

Blaze didn't want to do that. He loved Garroth's independence and want for control. If he took that away from him, what would that make him?

" know I care about you. So I'm not going to approve your actions completely but, I'm not going to hold you back. I want to suggest that you maybe be a little more aware of your safety."

Garroth smiled and said; "I'll try...thank you...again."

"No problem. Now, let's head back. The day is about to begin and I don't want to be involve if your father comes into an empty room."


With that, they returned to the kingdom, in all of it's glory.

Word Count

So...that concludes my summer 2019 stuff. My summer actually ended a few days ago and it's already been a train wreck at school so...that's great.

I'm sorry that this chapter wasn't really...a wow factor but, I really just couldn't get myself to think of anything. Sorry about that...

So, my schedule for the next few weeks is going to be hectic. If you don't see my conversation board, I learned that I'm going to have to write a 500 word essay every weekend. More if I want a 100%. I also have a full year of advance economics which I'm not prepared for. Plus Chemistry and Algebra 2. So, I'm in for the full haul this year! But, I know it'll be a good year.

So, please be patient with me with next coming weeks as I settle into the new school year. I love you my foxes! Treat people sweet!

Garmau, Larroth, and Glaze Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें