Glaze:Coming Out

323 17 0

Theme:Pride Month


Blaze's POV:

This is probably the most stupid idea I've ever had. That's saying something. I'm Blaze Carpenter, I've done a lot of stupid things. This one tops the list though.

Let's put some background information, shall we? Well, ever since high school, I've felt as if something was different about me. While my friends would talk about how good a girl looked as she walked down the hall in her school uniform, I couldn't help but notice her male companion's appearance. It was strange at first but, as I grew more mature...sort of...I realized that it was more than just me noticing how great some guy looks in a pair of jeans. I realized sooner or later that I was gay.
I don't really remember the moment but, I remember the worry. The worry of how everyone around me would react. My friends and family, more specifically. I care about them so deeply that the thought of disappointing them scared me. So, I hid. I hid my emotions inside myself. I've mastered the art of lying and acting my way out of situations through the years. But, this summer is different. I know it.

June, of all months, came the time where me and my friends traveled to beach luxury resort. That's when I saw him. Or bumped into him, the details don't matter. Even though it was only mere seconds, I immediately fell into his deep blue eyes. His sand blonde hair shined in the sunlight, complimenting his tan skin. Faint freckles also scattered his cheeks and nose. It was odd that I noticed a detail like that in such a short amount of time. One things for sure though, my heart stopped and my stomach did a somersault. I quickly regained my composure, apologize for running into the man and his group after catching a frisbee one of my friends threw for me. Then, I ran off. I thought that was the end of seeing him since the resort is so big.

Fortunately, I saw him again. I found out his name. Garroth. Then, again. This time as just to hang out. We saw each other every day and I eventually found him to be one of my good friends as well. I felt he brought out the best of me. I began to feel more happy and excited as each day went by. I also felt more confident in myself and found myself being more like the person I used to be before I thought I wasn't normal...

Unfortunately, I now have developed a crush on him. As many would've probably guess at this point. But, what shocks me is that he's the first man I actually have a genuine liking towards. Now, whenever I hang with him, I get nervous whenever he moves slightly closer to me or our hands accidentally touch. The worst part though is that, I think he's straight. From conversations with his friends, he apparently chased after Aphmau for years until she started dating Aaron. That just screams, not just hopeless romantic but, straight.

Now, I feel like I've reached a place where I need to tell him but, I don't want to ruin the friendship we already have. So, I decided to do the most stupid yet, simple plan on how to do so. I stormed out of my villa that I was staying in, having my friends just wonder why, and walked down the boardwalk, determined to find Garroth.

I ran into the villa that him and his friends were staying turning my head in every direction trying to find him. He was sitting in the living room, alone, looking on his phone. Once he saw me, he put on smile with a chuckle and asked;

"Blaze? Why the sudden visit?"

I walked over to him and stood at least five feet away. He still smiled at me. He probably thought I was crazy though. I just ran in here with no explanation and looking like a complete mess. I gulped down my nerves and said;

"Kiss me."

His smile disappeared and my heart started to quicken. I saw his face turn red in embarrassment and I'm pretty sure mine did too. My limbs started to shake. My mind went into panic mode and I started to regret making this decision. Why did I decide to come out for the first time and confess my attraction to Garroth simultaneously? Most. Stupid. Idea. Ever.

Garroth got up to which I assume he would slap me or yell at me saying that I was ridiculous. Instead, he went up to me without saying a word and kissed me. My shout of shock became muffled as I didn't know what to think but, I sunk into the kiss. I was afraid to touch him to pull him closer so, I just stood there stiffly. Once we parted, he looked up to me and asked;

"First time?"

I nodded my head, still frozen by it all. He sighed in relief and said;

"Me too."

Word Count
I think this is the worst one shot I've ever written. I'm so sorry to be ending this theme on a low note but, all in all, I hope members of the LGBQ+ community had an amazing pride month!
I'll be posting a few art pieces I've been working on next week but, I wanted to say that if any of you weren't interested in seeing my art, lol! I understand since this is a writing account!

Anyways, Happy Pride Month!

Garmau, Larroth, and Glaze OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora