11 | the scumbag crashed and burned

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"So what do I do now?" Evelyn asked into the phone.

"Just wait," Damon responded. I'll be there in a minute."

"Can you hurry?" she requested. "I have things to do."

"Oh, I'm sure you do," Damon said from behind Evelyn, startling her. "You can give me that."


"I don't need you losing it again."

"I didn't lose it, it was stolen," she pointed out. "Big difference."

"You still lost it."

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Yes, you can go now."

"Okay, call me if you need anything, I guess."

"Have fun at that school thing!" he shouted after her as she began walking away.

"I won't."

Evelyn found a spot in the practicality full parking lot before making her way inside. The career fair was in full swing, parents looked around the room at the options for their child and the teens stood in boredom.

"Still wanna be an astronaut?" she mocked from behind Matt.

"I can't believe you remember that," he said, turning to face the girl.

"I can remember the tinfoil that you wore on your head."

"I was eight."

"You still act eight."

He let out a chuckle before looking up at me, "How are you? Elena told me you've been cooped up in your room a lot lately."

"Elena needs to mind her own business."

"She's just trying to help."

"I don't need her help," Evelyn potter out. "Besides, shouldn't I be asking you how you are doing?"

"I've had it easier. Don't change the subjects," Matt said as he looked up at the blonde who had just entered the room.

"I heard about Caroline."

"Aw, man," he groaned. "Not you too."

"Hey, I'm not a fan of her but I'm also not blind," she replied. "You two really like each other."

"We're friends. It's not a big deal."


Matt appeared to have gotten distracted so Evelyn followed his line of sight. He was watching Stefan and Elena leaning against a wall and facing each other, deep in conversation.

"Matt," she began, noticing the jealousy that laced his eyes. "You have to move on."

"I know," he huffed. "I'm trying."

"You can do better."

"She's your sister."

"Which is why it's okay for me to say that. You deserve someone who will love you just as much as you love them, Elena isn't that person."

"Hide me," Jenna asked. No, more like begged, as she approached Matt and Evelyn.

"What's going on?" Elena asked as she approached them, Stefan at her side.

"The scum Fell has landed."

"Logan's here?" Elena said in disgust.

"Wha-Are you sure?" Evelyn asked, holding her stomach. She wasn't sure if it was nerves or phantom pain from when he shot her.

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