2 | secrets exposed

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Evelyn had been home for a week now and she had spent it in Elena's room rather than her own. Her time away meant they had a lot of twin time to make up for.

She flopped down on Elena's bed after her shower, stretching her arms out with a yawn. She turned over and firmly shook her sister awake, "Hey kid, wake up, we have school."

Elena let out a groan of distaste from the idea of waking up early. "Just five more minutes," she mumbled, shoving her face into her pillow.

"Okay then," Evelyn agreed, resting her hands behind her head. "I'll just pretend to be you when I run into Stefan. Maybe sneak a kiss in here or there..."

Elena's shot up at this and Evelyn let out a laugh. Her full blown crush on the boy was only growing stronger and Evelyn was convinced they were a fairytale couple in the making. "You wouldn't dare."

"We both know I would," Evelyn countered, "But, since you're up, I don't have to." She glanced over at the girl with a smug look, "Now get up off your lazy behind, you need to be up and ready to go in 30."

Evelyn made her way out of Elena's room, knocking on Jeremy's door when she passed it, "Get up, let's go." She made her way down the stairs, shouting so her siblings could hear, "If you two aren't ready by the time I'm out of this house, I'm leaving your sorry asses here."

Jenna laughed from the kitchen where she was pouring herself a cup coffee, "You sound like your mom."

"Good," Evelyn smiled, "That's what I was going for."

She placed her cup down as she looked up at the teen, "I need your help."

"Shoot," Evelyn replied before putting a bagel in her mouth and pouring her own cup of coffee.

"Up or down?" she asked, pulling her hair up, "I have to go to a stupid parent-teacher conference with Tanner."

"Depends what you're going for," Evelyn pointed out with a mouth full of bagel, "Boozy housewife or sexy stewardess?" Jenna shot the girl a look and Evelyn rolled her eyes, "Put it up."

Elena entered the kitchen a moment later, looking around in confusion, "Where's Jeremy?"

"He went to school early," Jenna explained and the twins exchanged a knowing look, "Something for a workshop class." She seemed to notice the looks the pair were wearing and huffed, "There is no woodshop, is there?"

"Nope," Elena confirmed which resulted in Jenna mumbling a string of words that would not get her elected as parental figure of the year.

"Alright El," Evelyn clapped her hands together, "Let's bounce."

The two made their way to the car and as soon as Evelyn pulled out of the driveway, she bombarded her sister with questions. "How's it going with McHottie?"

"His name is Stefan," Elena pointed out, "And it's...Well, it's going."

"What does that mean?" Evelyn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well we haven't really gotten anywhere," she shrugged, "We talked and it was epic, but then the sun came up and realization set in."

"God, you sound like some cheesy romance novel," Evelyn's nose shriveled in disgust. She glanced over at her sister before continuing, "Don't be so dramatic. I see how he looks at you. He likes you. A lot."

"Mmhmm," she replied and Evelyn had to resist the urge to slap the back of her head.

She pulled into a parking spot and a smirk formed on her face, "Speak of the devil." Evelyn unbuckled her seatbelt and faced her sister, "Let's get you to him before he disappears."

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