Chapter 50: Caught!

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A loud thud woke Veronica from her slumber, frightening her after the nightmares she was having about a seemingly horrifying Deatheater raid on Hogwarts. 

Groggily, she looked around her and instead of the usual bedspread and dorm she has grown accustomed to, she was on an old and uncomfortable sofa. She slowly sat up, removing the dark blazer thrown over her body, which was sprawled out on the cushions. 

"Good morning," a voice spoke from across the cluttered room. Draco still standing in front of the wardrobe, the sleeves of his crumpled white shirt rolled up past his elbows. 

"What was that noise?" she asked, greeting him with a lazy smile.

He broadly gestured to the large double doors towards the right of the sofa she was on. 

"Just Crabbe, letting us know someone walked past. It's quite common this time in the morning, breakfast is being served in the Hall." 

The words came out so casually, hinting that he was here often in the early hours of the day. This worried Veronica slightly, along with the tangled hair and distressed clothing. 

"Have you slept yet, Draco?" 

The Slytherin didn't say anything for a while, answering the question silently. Veronica sent an exasperated look his way, making him roll his eyes playfully. 

"It wouldn't've been a very peaceful sleep anyway! I haven't been able to sleep properly in months, Ronnie," he explains, his voice echoing how tired he truly way. 

She understood what he was talking about, being prone to nightmares and restless nights herself.

"Besides, the way you were tossing and turning over there tells me you know how I feel."

They shared a silent look of understanding before his soft eyes turned away from her and he nodded at the door. 

"Go get some breakfast, it'll help you feel better. Plus I'm sure your friends are waiting for you," he grumbled, trailing off near the end. 

Sighing, she slowly lifted herself off of the sofa, drifting out the room. 

However, before she left, she faces him again and smiles at his hunched figure. 

"You're my friend too Draco, how many times do I have to tell you that," and walked out shutting the door behind her. 


Veronica jogs into the Great Hall but stops suddenly in her place at the sight of her boyfriend sitting at the table with Hermione. 

"Harry!" she calls out, getting his attention causing the boy to smile brightly at her before shuffling over to create space beside him. 

She greeted him with a long and amorous hug, delighted to see him out of the Hospital Wing so soon. As they pull away she kisses him gently, triggering a few whistles from his other mates in Gryffindor. 

"I didn't know you were being released today!" she exclaims, looking at Hermione for an explanation. 

"Both Harry and Ron were released this morning. Madame Pomfrey said they were well enough to leave and basically ordered them to never return," the curly brunette said, smiling slightly as well. 

The absence of their ginger friend was then made aware to her, but after she started looking around for him Harry told her Lavender had pulled him for a chat. 

Ron came slouching in a few moments later, and Veronica had once again embraced the boy wholeheartedly, glad he too was healthy. 

It seemed the friendly dynamic that she had sorely missed was now well reestablished between the group, all former arguments had been forgotten about - making the Hufflepuff feel happier than she had been all year. 

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