Mythology project

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*~Astrids prov~*

A few weeks later I became quit popular, I am always the popular girl and I still don't know why! Well I sat in the mythology class and we had todo a group work, my luck was on my side, I got pared up with Hiccup! So now we sit in the libery trying to figure out what subject our project shall be about "Beacuse we have todo the project about vikings we should write about Thor!" I said not wanting to write about some other boring viking "Thor?" Hiccup said "Yeah you know, best in fighting, have a hammer and have that epic power over Thunder!" I said, he gave me a crocked smile and shook his head "can't we write about Valyrikes?" He asked. "Valyrikes? what's that?" I asked feeling a bit stupid. "well Valyrikes was tough Viking godess picking up the fallen men on the battle field sending them to Hel ore Valhalla, They're tough pretty warriors who is epic!" he said, wile talking about them I coud see a sparkle in his eyes off excidment "Hmm ok, but I will get my A!" I said, he only chuckeled "Yes ma'ma! Your will get your A ore maybe an A+!" I noded.

*~Thirt person prov~*

'There lonely girl walked in the dark, alone crying. No one loved her, she was broken, She saw a quick shadow going past her as fog came, she started to run fast, she triped and scratched her knees and palms, the smell off blood was filling the air.

The girl feelt someone grabbing her shoulder when she turned around she saw a familyar blond girl, her blue eyes were turned Red and she had fangs. the girl screamer "VVVVAAAAMMMMPPPPII-" as the vampire bite the girl deadly enough in the trouth to kill her and then she drank her blood'

Valka woke up from dream with heart in her trouth. She was sweaty and shivered. She woke up her husband "Val what is it?" Valka looked worried and scared at her lovely husband "They're back" she whispered.


Sorry not upptating sooner, school is taking up most of my time. so Enjoy this chapter!


Anny ||

The vampires bloody love ||Hiccstrid fanfic||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें