Chapter 20

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 "Holy shit, what happened to you?" I turn around and see Jake staring at me.

I woke up this morning and Colby was gone. I had to use the bathroom and after a bit of hobbling, I made it. But then I got bored just waiting upstairs. How I made it downstairs with a broken leg and crutches is a mystery. I made it down and just decided to just chill on the couch, where Jake found me.

"Exploring a haunted forest gone wrong. Turns out I'm a bigger dumbass than you." I finish sending a text to Colby asking him if I should order breakfast or if he was going to bring something back.

"Someone's grumpy," Jake disappears into the kitchen and then returns with some snacks.

"You know, just because my leg is broken it doesn't mean I won't fight you."I kick Jake with my good leg causing him to drop his chips on the floor.

The front door opens and a few seconds Colby walks in. He walks into the kitchen without saying anything. A few seconds later be backs up and then locks eyes on me.

"Please tell me Jake helped you down here." He looks between the both of us hoping that he's not imaging what we both know happened.

"Uh... No, he didn't. I managed to get here myself." I grab a pillow and try to hide behind it.

Colby mutters something under his breath and walks back into the kitchen. Jake looks at me and gets up to leave. I try to grab his shirt but I miss. Jake runs back upstairs to his room, probably to hide from the awkwardness between Colby and I. Nothing is going on with us. Last night we aired out a few things in the hospital room. But there are things that I wanted to talk about and I know there are things that Colby wanted to talk about.

I guess that's what we do. Both of us pour ourselves into our relationship and yet we both bottle things up until the bottle burst. The first time the bottle broke was when Colby got drunk and accused me of cheating. The second time was after I got disowned by my family. The bottles aren't broken again, but they're both overflowing. One of us is going to crack, and if I'm correct, it might be Colby.

We still haven't talked about what happened when he got arrested. That was over a week ago. I asked Kat if she and Sam talked about it and she said they did the night he got back. I'm trying not to push, I'm hoping he'll talk when he's ready. I've seen how Colby gets when people make him uncomfortable. I don't want to be one of those people. If I do I honestly don't know what will happen between us. I don't want to think about it but it keeps me up at night.

"Here," Colby walks back in with a bag of food and two drinks. He hands me the bag and a drink. He sits down next to me and takes a sip of his drink.

"Thank you. Where did you go this morning?" I dig in the bag and take out two breakfast burritos. I hand Colby his.

"Thanks. I went to fill your pain pill prescription. How do you feel?" Colby pulls the pill bottle out of his pocket and shows me.

"I'm fine. I'm sore and my leg hurts but not enough to need something. Listen, can you take me home? I have to call my manager to postpone a few projects. Also, there may or may not be a party tonight that I wanted to go to?"

"Yeah, I'll take you home in about an hour. You really want to party tonight? You literally just broke your leg."

"It's not a party, party. My manager wanted me to go to network. It's a work thing really. Can you take me please?"

"Okay. Eat your breakfast, you dork. And no more going up and down the stairs by yourself. I mean it." Colby kisses my cheek before going back to eating.


Colby and I barely got home from the party five minutes ago. I feel bad for having Colby driving me around all day today. I know he has things to do. He's extra tried because he woke up earlier than he normally does, and considering we got home super later the night before doesn't help. Because he insisted on dropping me off at my apartment, I convinced him to spend the night. It's safer and he won't have to worry about me hobbling around on my own. It's a win-win situation. After this morning, he doesn't trust me to be in the trap house where I will go up and down the stairs on my own.

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