Chapter 11

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 The guys decided to throw a party just for shits and giggle. Come March they're all going to have to move out and probably not be able to have parties like this. So they've been throwing one every few weeks. Normally I won't get involved because it's not my house or my party. But the guys have really let the house go since the last party so they need all hands on deck to get the house looking decent. They also roped Kat in this as well.

We literally had to draw sticks to divided up the jobs. Aaron and I were lucky enough to pull the sticks for shopping duty. If I had to stay at the house to help clean, nobody would be happy. Not because I would have been complaining, but because I might have been too bossy. Maybe they're the really lucky ones.

Aaron and I decided to go to Costco. We can get everything in bulk and because Aaron shops there regularly, we shouldn't be too long. Aaron is mainly going because We need someone who is actually legally allowed to buy alcohol. I could have bought everything myself because of my fake id, but the amount they wanted would have gotten me in serious trouble.

"We should stop by Taco Bell. I'm hungry and I know that everyone else is probably too busy working to messing around to eat." I say as I hand Aaron a box to put in the car.

"Sure, we should make sure they didn't post mate anything." Aaron takes the last box from my hands and then closes the trunk.

"Already on it." I send a text to the group chat asking who ate and then send a picture of my receipt from what I bought at Costco so everyone could Venmo me back. Aaron does the same.

On our way to get food my phone blows up from everyone ordering and paying me back. Aaron and I chat a bit and catch up while we make our way to Taco Bell. We haven't had much time to hang out or get to know each other before. He was almost always playing Fortnite when I came into the picture. Every time I went to hang out with someone at the house he was streaming.

"Hey, so how did it feel and how did you make the decision to start doing music?" I ask during a moment of silence.

"Why? Are you thinking about pursuing music?"

"Maybe... It's been on my mind for a while. Along with other possible career changing content."

"I see... Well, I was just trying to figure out what kind of content I could do long term without burning out and keep me relevant enough so I can keep doing this as a career. I've always liked music and I knew I could sing so I decided to try that. Why do you feel like changing your brand?"

"My content is doing well, but I don't get the same feelings that I did when I first started. I've been messing around with some things. I might take a break if my manager agrees. Just to figure shit out and focus on school for a little bit. You went on a few breaks, any advice?" Aaron pulls into a parking spot at Taco Bell.

"If you feel like you're starting to burn out, then take a break before you actually do. Your manager should let you take a break, especially if it means your content will suffer if you don't. When was your last break."

"I never had one." I open the door and head into Taco Bell before Aaron could ask more.


Like every party since we've gotten together, Colby and I are practically glued to each other. Not in the annoying making our way that a lot of couples do, but in the way where we just stay near each other. Kind of like a buddy system to make sure we don't get too crazy. If we ever do get separated we either text or meet in a prearranged location. Normally we use this buddy system when we go out for parties. When we do trap house parties there isn't much need for the system. We can text or dip out to Colby's room if needed. We've just gotten so used to being close that we did it naturally.

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