Chapter 19

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The car finally stops in a secluded area. I'm not familiar with our location. Then again, it's night so I probably wouldn't recognize where we were anyway. When Colby asked me to explore with him and Sam, I didn't think they would be this secretive about where we were going or what we were doing. The only thing I know is that I was asked if I would be busy today and tomorrow. It wasn't even until this morning that I was told to wear something warm. It took hours to find something warm that was also comfortable to wander an undisclosed location. Most of my clothes are packed away. We move in a few weeks and it's not cold enough for me to keep my really warm clothes out.

Sam and Colby finish setting up the camera on the dashboard. They talk for a few minutes before Sam turns on the camera.

"What's up, guys! It's Sam and Colby." Colby shouts from the driver seat.

"Today we are going to explore Angeles National Forest with Isabella Rose." Sam points to me in the backseat. I do a little wave to the camera.

"How are you feeling Iz?" Colby ask.

"A little sleepy. It was a long drive." I yawn.

"I don't think you're going to be tired after I tell you this. So I did a bit of research on this forest and apparently in 2002 about 20,000 acres of the forest burnt down in a wildfire. When they were investigating the fire, it was discovered that the fire was set by a cult doing animal sacrifices. Now, it's unsure if they meant to light the forest on fire or what. People have also walked into the forest never to be seen again. Some people say they see the ghost of an animal or the ghosts of lost travelers. At the summit, you can see shadow figures."

"Excuse me, what? I was told none of this." I shot from the back.

"Awake now?" Colby teased.

"I mean, you just said that there is a chance we may not be able to come out alive tonight. So, of course, I'm awake now."

"We're going to be fine. What's your stance on ghosts?"

"I believe they exist, just not in the way we perceive them to be."

"We'll see tonight if your hunch is true," Sam says before shutting off the camera.

We all climb out of the car. I retie my shoes and fix my new XPLR hoodie and gloves. I stand up and close the door. I turn around while putting on my backpack Colby is in front of me holding a beanie. He places the beanie on my head.

"I don't want you to get cold."

"I'm going to get hot while we walk with all the layers I'm wearing."

"You're always hot, babe." Colby has a stupid grin on his face. I playfully push him.

Sam calls us over and Colby and I walk towards him. Sam turns on the camera. All three of us start walking into the forest.

"Colby, pass out flashlights in case we get separated."

"I don't want to get separated," I say sheepishly.

"Both of you need to calm down. We'll be fine." Colby says as he passes out the flashlights.

"You know who says that? The guy who gets killed first in a horror film." I pout as I turn on my flashlight.

"Well, just in case something does happen, meet at the car." Sam walks backward to get both Coby and me in the frame.

"Everything is going to be fine," Colby says before patting me on the head.

 We've been exploring for what seems like forever. The empty forest doesn't seem as scary as it did before. It may have to do with the fact that we've been cracking jokes. The boys plugged their merch a few times too. There have been a few times where we turned off our lights when we heard strange noises.

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