The policemen nodded and whispered to eachother. "And, Bakugou, do you have the video of him taking to the villain, Dabi?" I shake my head "No.. He must've destroyed it."

The policeman nods, "Do you have any evidence on where he might be? That's valuable info."

I think for a minute and nod, "I know where the hide out is. That's where all the villains are.. I can take you to it, if you'd like."


After an hour or two the policemen were finally done talking to Bakugou and headed out and told the parents what Bakugou told them. Eventually Bakugou was healed and was allowed to go home. But, he had to leave back out to show the policemen where the hideout was.

He got dressed and went with one of the policeman's car and Bakugou lead the directions to the hide out. Other heroes followed but for some reason All-Might hasn't shown up yet. Bakugou thought to himself, "I wonder why.."


Izuku's POV

"Fuck, Dabi! How do you fucking let him get away?!" I screamed at Dabi while we was driving back to the hideout. He looked at me, then the road. "Hah?! Don't blame me! I wasn't even fucking there!"

At this point, I was freaking out. What if word got out and he knew where the hideout was? What if I get caught..? I was hyperventilating now. Dabi looked at me and told me to calm down. I tried to and Shoto placed his cold hand on me from trying to keep me not to get over heated.

I controlled my breathing and let a breath go. "Okay.. I'm okay. Worst case scenario I will have to kill Bakugou Katsuki."


We arrive at the hideout and Shoto, Denki, Dabi and I rush out the car running to the doors of the Villain hideout. I was shocked at what I saw. There was heroes surrounding most of the villains, Police cars out in the back and front. Policemen hand-cuffing some of the villains and most importantly Kacchan standing there, smirking.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS TOMURA?!" Dabi screeched setting a policemen on fire with his quirk. He quickly died and after Dabi striked that's when the fight begun.

I saw Kacchan running outside trying to get away with another hero helping him and I was gonna run after him but I had my hands full.

"Guys! We need more back up! Where the fuck is the number one peace, All might?!" I snicker at his name charging at the one black haired bitch dressed like a wannabe stripper.

While Shoto Denki and Dabi fought I did my thing while they did theirs.

"Nice whip you got there.. I'll bring it to your grave, if you'd like." My eyes turn black as she begans to talk and I hover She looked surprised and she quivered. "Y-you're the boy All-Might told me about! The one who was born quirkless! How.. You were so sweet. How did you stoop so low to become something like this?!"

At this point I was beyond mad. I was furious. "YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME! CMON! FIGHT! DONT TALK JUST FIGHT ME!" I throw a punch at her and she dodges and looks to her right, looking at another hero.  "Midnight! Spray him with your perfume and put him out! We need to capture him! He might know where All-Might is!"

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