Caught 2 {13}

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If you see "italic" writing, its the characters thoughts.
Izuku Midoriya
Age: 15
Quirk: All For One and reverse.
If you use your quirk on the user, they have the will to pounce it back at you.

Hero or villain? Villain
Shōuto Todoroki
Age: 16
Quirk: Fire and Ice
Hero or Villain: Villain

Izuku on the phone with Denki.

"So what's the problem?" Denki questions
"Remember Bakugou..?" Izuku says with a worried voice.
"Yeah , what about him?"

"He's with me. He's with me unconscious." Izuku says blankly but you can clearly hear the panick in his voice.

"Say what?! What did—" Denki was cut off by Izuku "Just shut up and come over to the schools bathroom!" And with that Izuku hands up.
Izuku's POV

There was a knock on the bathroom door "must be Denki." I open the door and it was him. I let him in and he looks for Bakugou who is tied up in a corner.

"So.. what happened here, Zuku?"
I explain that situation and he understands everything.
"Well" Denki starts explaining what we have to do "We need to take him and bring him to Tomura. He'll know what to do. We can't just leave him here."
I nod, "you're right. Grab his arms and I'll grab his legs." We pick him up and hid out the bathroom "Wait, Denki, do you have a car?!" Denki nods "Yes but I don't know how to drive. Lol yolo"
I kept silent and we walk to the car making sure no one was following us.
We're in the car and we are almost at the hideout.

We've arrived.

I get out the car along with Denki and we grab Kacchan. We walk over to the door and walk in , immediately greeted by Toga.
"Hi boys~! Who's that?" She questions "Its Bakugou, Katsuki. Now move." She gets out the way but I earned a 'humph' from her.

I see Todoroki and I ask him where is Tomura. He goes and gets him so I throw Kacchan on the floor.
"Why is Bakugou here anyway? Is he dead." Tomura asks chomping on an apple.
I shake my head "I panicked. He has evidence of me talking to a villain whom was Dabi."

"So why didn't you kill him?" Tomura laughs. "Too pussy, huh?"

I growl, "No, Baka. I just don't wanna kill him yet. You already know that I wanna hurt him first!"

"Right.. you're right. Alright, take him to the basement and lock him up there. We'll deal with him when he wakes up. Understood?"

I nod my head and grab Kacchan by the legs, dragging him down the stairs leading to the basement. It was dark and it reeked down there but it should be fine. I find a light-switch and only 5 lights turned on out of 18. "Fucking hell." I saw handcuffs chained to a wall "Perfect." I put Kacchan in the handcuffs and I turn all the lights off and leave him there.
"So, is he chained up?" Toga asks me chewing on her fingernails. "Why do you care?"
She shrugs. "Hey, Izuku-kun.. Can I help you kill him? Please~! He's just so hot and I bet he'll look more hot if he's bleeding out!!" Toga shifts in her seat, holding her skirt.

"No." I say blankly. I don't want Toga touching him. He mine to kill. Toga whines "Pleeeaaasssees! The others I've killed are boring! I wanna see Baku's reaction when I cut his fingers one by one!"

"I said no, Toga! Shut the fuck up already." She huffs and slaps me in the face "Idiot!"

Great. Now I'm mad. I grab Toga by the arm and throw her across the room "ITS LIKE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A FIGHT!" I yell out. Toga is now looking even more sadistic, she pulls out a couple of knives and giggles "Sure! Let's play!"
Toga charges for me and I stand on my ground. I punch her , dodging her knives but she did manage to cut me multiple times. "If I win, you have to let me hurt Baku with you! PROMISE?"
I say whatever and continue to fight her. I eventually use my quirk, Me hovering my hair turning black.. I use all my power to knock her across the room. She blasts through the brick wall, leaving a blood trail. She gets back up and laughs like a psychopath.. "NOW IM MAD IZUKU-KUN! YOU MESSED UP MY HAIR!"

She shoots 10 sharp knives at me 2 slicing my cheek, 4 hitting my arm and the others dodged. Before I could do anything else we was both stopped by Kurogiri.
"STOP THE INSTANT!" We both freeze in our tracks and drop everything we was holding.
"CLEAN UP THIS MESS RIGHT NOW OR I WILL BEAT YOU UNTIL YOU BLEED. NOW!" Kurogiri says with anger tainted in his voice.

We run to clean up our mess, scared on what he was gonna do.

insanity ~ Villian Deku AU ~ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora