Mission #1 {8}

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If you see "italic" writing, its the characters thoughts.
Izuku Midoriya
Age: 15
Quirk: All For One and reverse.
If you use your quirk on the user, they have the will to pounce it back at you.

Hero or villain?
Shōuto Todoroki
Age: 16
Quirk: Fire and Ice
Hero or Villain: Villain

It was time for the mission to make way. With the help of Denki— along with Shouto and Midoriya. They were getting ready for the Yuuei school. They packed their books, school uniform and other essentials for school.
"Are you guys ready?" Asks Tomura reading a book.
They nod "Then leave. I don't wanna see any of your faces until you have information or have murdered All-Might."
Midoriya started to speak "How long will we be here?"
"What did I just say..?" Tomura glared.
"Sheesh." Midoriya pouted "no need to be rude."
Denki and shouto just laughed and walked out the door "Cmon Izuku!" Yelled Denki.
"C-coming!!" And Midoriya runs after.

"You better not fail me, Midoriya.. Not after that gift I gave you." Tomura burns the book he was reading into ash.

At U.A School Grounds
Izuku's POV
"Okay guys! We're here. Let's head in.." I started to walk to the building but I felt a hard tug on my jacket. "What the fu-!" I was cut off by Todo "Midoriya, this school has security all over. We have to stand by the gate until we're aloud in." Denki nods "cmon, you gotta be smarter than this."
"SHUT IT!" I Pout and pull myself off of Todorokis grasp.
Denki and him justs laughs and I roll my eyes. We walk in front of the gate and wait there for at least 10 minutes. Eventually, the gate opens and an speaker announces "You may enter. Watch your step when walking."

We walk into the building being greeted by a little.. mouse looking creature? I giggle in my head. "Who are you?" I ask the oddly looking creature.  "I'm principal Nezu. Mr. Nezu to you. And hello Denki, welcome back!" Denki nods and waves. "Follow me to my office. We can talk there." We all nod and follow the principal.
We arrive at his office and sit down on the couches he had. "Care for some tea?" He offered. I shake my head no, and he nods.

"So let's get to it. What are your quirks?"
I gulp I can't tell him about All for one. "My quirk is Reverse," I state "explain" he asks me
"Well, let's say if someone has a explosion quirk. If they fire at me I have the ability to stop it and reverse it back to them without it damaging me. But there is only so much I can do.." 
Mr. Nezu nods and takes a sip of his tea "Very interesting! What is your name?" "Izuku Midoriya, sir." He smiles and moves onto to Shouto. Todoroki just stares "Well....." Nezu sighs.
"Oh. My quirk is half n half hence my hair. Fire and ice. Uh— my name is Shouto Todoroki. That's all.."
"Are you Hero Endeavor's son?" Todo just nods. "Well then..! Next. Oh, Denki Kaminari! Isn't your quirk Electricity?"
Denki nods "Yeah something like that."


We all was done talking and Mr. Nezu says that we have to get a tour of the school and have a look at our classes.
Wow!! This school is so big and pretty! I say to myself with amazed eyes. "Well since you're done with the tour- we can take a look at your classes!" Nezu exclaims

"Yay!" I shout

We walk the halls and visits all our classes. "Now I'll show you your homeroom class. Right this way, kids."
We arrive at class 1-A "This is your homeroom. Your teacher is Mr. Aiwaza. He can be harsh and strict so I don't want you acting up, understood?" We nod and Nezu opens the door for us.
Everyone stares back at us in awe and I hear a scream from a familiar voice.

insanity ~ Villian Deku AU ~ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz