Amelia's Girlfriend

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Several years later, you and Anna were in your normal outfits and doing a play wrestling match to pass the time. You and her grabbed each other's arms before Anna suddenly ducked down and hoisted you over her shoulder.  She raised her fist in the air

"And the Huntress wins again!", she said in victory as you playfully hit her back. She placed you down and kissed you. Just then Amelia walked in the door. She was now fully grown and her hair was now at her shoulders. Her cat mask, fur coat and clawed gloves were stained with blood, due to the fact she'd recently been in a trial.

"Hey mum, hey dad.", she said with a smile. You and Anna walked up to her and hugged her

"How was the trial sweetheart?", you asked her

"It was fun. Lots of times I managed to down them and hook them. Some of them were annoying when they threw down a pallet and danced but it made it sweeter when I killed them. Even danced as well to give them a taste of their own medicine. And I met someone", she replied just as a woman with a black leather trench coat and blue jeans with black boots walked up. In her hands she held a guitar that looked like a battleaxe.

"Mum, Dad. This is Tetris, my girlfriend. She's also a Killer known as the Soloist. I hope you two like her", Amelia said introducing the woman. Tetris waved at the two of you. You stepped up to her

"Well, if you like her then so do I. But one thing I will not tolerate is her breaking your heart, Amelia. If she does that, I will hurt her!", you replied. Anna touched your shoulder gently

"It's ok hon. I'm sure Soloist has intentions to love Amelia constantly", she said and Tetris nodded.

"Yes. I love her more than ever. She's so cute and deadly at the same time", Tetris replied. Amelia grabbed Tetris by her leather trench coat and kissed her deeply.

"So Amelia, do you like your Killer name?", you asked Amelia and she nodded

"I love it. The Lynx. Makes me sound harmless but I'm actually deadly!", Amelia said giving a growl. You chuckled and hugged her

"Glad to know you enjoy yourself. Listen, if anything comes up that you're worried about, you let us know. We'll always be here to help", you said before you, Anna, Amelia and Tetris gathered in a group hug. When the hug broke, Amelia and Tetris held hands and walked off to enjoy their relationship. You and Anna looked at each other

"She seems nice", Anna said

"Yeah. I still stand by what I said. I don't want our daughter's heart being broken", you replied.

"I'm sure she won't do that", Anna replied. You two looked at Amelia and her girlfriend as they headed off to enjoy themselves.

Thanks to TazMainanDevil15 for allowing me to use the Soloist. Go check out her DBD stories, they're awesome

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