Telling Anna Your Past

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In the first day of your honeymoon, you two were sat on a bench overlooking a lovely blue lake as the sun shone across the water. The Entity had formed a realm for you two to spend your honeymoon in. You picked up a small stone and skipped it along the water, watching it bounce three times before it sank. Anna was surprised stones could do that

"Not all stones do that. You need to find smooth and flat ones", you explained handing her one of the stones she'd need. Anna looked at it before you skipped another one

"How do you make it bounce?", she asked you confused.

"Hold the stone between your finger and thumb like this", you explained and she held it the same way. "Now, flick your wrist like this", you explained and threw it as if you were holding a small frisbee. Your stone bounced across the water twice before sinking. Anna threw it the same way and hers bounced four times before sinking. You clapped for her

"Did I do it correct?", she asked and you nodded. 

"Better than me", you replied and she felt very proud. The two of you spent a while skipping stones and practising new throwing techniques until Anna felt like doing something else. "You ok Anna?", you asked her and she nodded.

"Just a little bit bored of stone skipping now", she replied and you nodded in understanding

"What do you feel like doing?", you asked her and she thought about it for a while.

"Not really sure", she replied. You remembered her telling you about her past, so you figured it'd be best to tell her about yours

"Since you told me your past, do you want to know mine?", you asked her. She seemed interested to know about your past

"Of course", she replied and you began to tell her about it


You were only 8 years old and you were playing hide and seek in the woods with your older sister. You were looking for her when you heard a huge scream. You ran towards where it was and saw your sister being attacked by a fox. Out of panic, you picked up a long sharp stick and stabbed the fox in the leg, before you stabbed it in the side, killing it. But you were unable to save your sister. You knelt by her bleeding body and tried to stop the blood, but you weren't able to keep a lot of pressure on the wounds and she was slowly dying

"It's gonna be...ok...Y/N", your sister said placing a hand on your cheek. You touched her hand

"I'm not leaving you", you said to your sister with a whimper of fright and sadness. She smiled weakly

"I won' little brother", she groaned as the pain got a bit worse for her. You held her close

"C-can you sing that s-song you would sing when I w-was younger?", you asked her and she slowly nodded before she began to sing.

When she finished singing, her hand dropped from your cheek and her head fell to the side. You shook your sister frantically.

"Please, sis. Don't die. Please, I need you", you begged her but it was too late. Tears flowed from your eyes as the realisation came to you. Your sister was dead. You laid your head against your sister's chest as you cried. You closed her eyes gently and kissed her forehead as your parents arrived and saw you crying over the broken body of your sister. You mother comforted you as your father picked up your sister's body and brought her to the house. tears flowed from the eyes of all three of you 

A few days later you had a funeral for your sister in the back garden. A tombstone in the garden read "S/N L/N. Taken from us too early. Twinkle twinkle our little star. Now and forever". You knelt in front of your sister's grave and placed flowers on the soil in front of the tombstone

"I'm so sorry sis. It's all my fault...I shouldn't have been so slow to get to you. If I had been faster, you might be alive", you spoke through tears of sadness. Your mother placed a hand on your shoulder

"You did what you could Y/N", she spoke with a gentle voice and you hugged her tightly. Every year you'd go to visit your sister's grave and place flowers there. You would talk to her grave and tell her about how much you missed her. One day, when you were 11, you felt a warm breeze as you were telling your sister that you wished you could hold her again and suddenly heard your sister's voice

"Y/N. It's ok little brother. I miss you too. I want to hold you too", she spoke to you as you cried.

"I love you", you said through your sobs and you felt a warm feeling on your cheek

"I love you too, little bro. Mum and Dad plan to cremate me soon. They said they want me to be free instead of stuck in the ground for 3 years", she replied and you perked up

"R-really?", you asked her

"Yeah. I'll see you in heaven little bro. Follow your dreams", she replied before her voice faded away. A month later you were holding an urn containing your sisters ashes and were stood over the dunes nearby where you lived. You opened the urn and gently shook your sister's ashes around, watching as the wind blew them across the dunes. You heard your sister's voice saying "Thank you" before the ashes flew out of sight across the dunes.

Present time

You were crying uncontrollably as Anna held you close, her eyes rimmed with tears too. She stroked your hair as you held onto her. 

"I am so sorry to hear that Y/N. I can't imagine how much it must have hurt you to lose your sister", Anna said to you as she rubbed your back. She kissed your head as you slowly stopped crying. The night soon closed in and you and Anna laid together in a big double bed getting ready to sleep

 The night soon closed in and you and Anna laid together in a big double bed getting ready to sleep

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You cuddled up to Anna, laying your head in her chest as she stroked your hair

"Goodnight Anna my lovely wife", you said to her as you closed your eyes

"Goodnight Y/N my amazing husband", she replied before she also closed her eyes.

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