Archery's A Habit

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While Anna was busy, you decided to explore for a while. You put on your mask she'd given you and went to look around to find something to do. You found the corpse of a survivor with what looked like a bow.

 You found the corpse of a survivor with what looked like a bow

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(Best one I could find. Searched up "archery bow with sight", only found archery sights, not the bows)

You picked it up and tested it out, pulling the string back a few times. It seemed to be in working order. You soon realised you could use it for practice with long range. You soon saw a few arrows laying around nearby, along with what others would call a quiver. You tried the quiver on and it fit pretty well. You then took it off and began putting the arrows in the quiver. You then picked up the corpse of the survivor and pinned it to a tree using some of the broken arrows and began testing your accuracy with the arrows. There were only 6 arrows that were useful. You put the arrow on the strong, aimed at the corpse, breathed in slowly, aimed down the sights of the bow and fired the arrow, before firing the others at the corpse using the same method. When you were done, you headed over and looked at the corpse. Most of the arrows were at the stomach or chest, but one or two had gone into the head of the corpse. You pulled them out and tried again. After hours of practice, you managed to get all 6 of them into the head, before you practiced on a moving target. You saw a coyote looking around before it began chasing something very quickly. Same with the corpse, you loaded an arrow, breathed in slowly, aimed down the sights of the bow and fired the arrow. It hit the coyote right in the heart and it fell over dead.

"Yes! 10 points!", you said to yourself before you went to the coyote and pulled out the arrow. You picked up the corpse and took it back to the house, thinking about it. You wanted the fur to make a pelt to wear during hunting, and you were considering something about the meat too. You shrugged and began looking around for a knife or something to get the fur off. You found a very sharp knife and began cutting the fur off. You marvelled at the softness of the fur. It felt like the pillow you slept on. You gathered all the fur up and set to work on the coyote flesh. You extracted the organs and placed them somewhere nearby before delicately cutting the meat up and starting a fire outside before you began cooking the meat

"Knew all those classes in dissection and hunting for survival would pay off", you said to yourself before you finished cooking the meat and put it all on a makeshift plate just as Anna arrived back. You extinguished the fire and walked back in with the plate of meat

"Oh Y/N, there you are", Anna said with a smile before she noticed your new bow and quiver

"Where did you get them?", she asked you

"Found them off a dead guy", you responded. Anna nodded slowly and you handed her the meat

"Thought you'd be hungry. I found a coyote and killed it. It also explains the fur on the bed. Gonna try and make me a hunting outfit", you explained as she took a piece of meat off the plate and bit into it. She thought it was really good

"This is really nice. How did you get it so tender?", she asked. You smiled

"Started a small fire and cooked the meat. Don't worry, I put the fire out afterwards. Been practicing with the bow and arrow a lot. Managed to kill the coyote while it was running. Hit it right in the heart", you explained putting the plate on the tree stump she usually put her mask on Anna smiled and hugged you gently. You hugged her back with a smile.

"I can tell you'll be a good killer Y/N. Lot of potential", Anna said making you smile even more before she began helping you make a hunting outfit of the fur. It took a while but you were eventually done.

(Replace the musket with your bow and the sword with a knife

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(Replace the musket with your bow and the sword with a knife. And pretend you have that animal mask on)

There was a lot of fur left over so you decided to hang it up as a trophy of your first kill. You looked a it proudly.

"First kill of an animal. Now then, I hope the Entity lets us hunt together", you said to Anna. Anna looked at you and nodded with a smile

"It's gonna sound lousy, but would the Hunstman sound like a good name for me? It's kind of a male version of yours.", you asked her. She thought about it

"Sounds ok. We can think of a new name if we need to.", Anna relied before you changed out of your hunter outfit, hung it up and changed into the clothes you first had when you arrived at the woods. You also decided to use a little fur to soften the pillow and make it more comfy. You settled down on the bed and Anna laid next to you

"Can I tell you something Anna?", you asked her. She looked at you

"Of course. What do you want to tell me?", she asked you.

"Well...I think you're pretty. And I think I...I think I love you Anna", you said quickly and covered your face in embarrassment. Anna gently moved your hands from your face before she kissed you gently on the lips. You were shocked but relaxed into the kiss

"I love you too Y/N. I was afraid to admit it, and I tried to deny it but I couldn't anymore.", Anna said with the same embarrassment as you had. You pulled her close and kissed her again before the two of you fell asleep together.

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