The Huntress Has a Heart

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You woke up slowly on the makeshift bed and stretched. You sat on the bed to see Anna crouched down in front of you with another plate of meat and another cup of water. Your stomach growled a little and Anna let out a slight laugh at the sound.

"Hungry?", she asked you. You smiled and nodded before she handed you the food and water. Smiling at her, you ate the meat and drank the water before handing the cup and tray back to her. Anna placed the cup and tray on a tree stump nearby and you got off the bed and stood up.

"Thank you, Anna. I didn't think you would be so kind as to help me out here. I thought you would just kill me and be done with it when you first met me", you said. She smiled under her mask and hugged you gently

"I would have, to be honest with you. But the Entity wanted me to spare you, after she'd witnessed you being betrayed", she explained. Soon the Entity arrived again in the same swirling cloud of black smoke and symbols

"Yes. When I saw them betray you, I also felt your anger towards them. I thought that your anger towards them could be useful. I have informed the others about you staying here Y/N, so there is no reason for you to worry about them attacking you", The Entity explained to you, which made you ask her a question

"When I kill Ace, will I have outlived my usefulness? Because I don't want to be killed after I've killed him", you asked her. She thought about it

"It will depend on the opinions of the other killers, Huntress included. If the overall result is that they hate you, then yes. I'm sorry to say you will be killed. But if the overall result is that they like you, then you will be allowed to live. There is a negative side to them saying yes though. If they say yes, you will never be able to leave and you will have to live with one of the killers", The Entity explained. This made you feel a little bit better. You looked at Anna and she looked at you. There was something about her you liked. It was mainly the fact she spared you and fed you when you got hungry. If the other killers did like you, you'd most probably choose to stay with Anna if she was ok with it. The Entity's cloud disappeared, leaving you with Anna

"I hope I can make a good impression on them", you said to her. Anna nodded and smiled a little under her rabbit mask

"I'm sure they'll like you. Just don't provoke them and this should go well", she advised, before she handed you a mask made in the shape of a wolf head

 Just don't provoke them and this should go well", she advised, before she handed you a mask made in the shape of a wolf head

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You tried it on and it fit perfectly. You looked at Anna and made a small growling sound, making her giggle, and making you laugh too

"It fits perfectly, Anna. Thank you", you said to her. She smiled under her mask

"You're welcome Y/N. In the event other survivors arrive before we can meet the others, I don't want to risk accidentally killing you. Wear that mask at all times when we're not in the house so I know it's you", she replied. Suddenly the two of you heard something and looked outside so see someone with a mask heading towards you

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