Helping Anna Cope With Her Past

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You woke up slowly to see a smiling Anna right in front of you. She smiled and you kissed her before the two of you got up

"Morning Anna. You enjoy last night?", you asked her as you stretched, enjoying the feeling and the sound of your joints cracking and your back stretching. You shook yourself after you stretched to loosen up

"Very much so Y/N. You were incredible last night", Anna replied as she went to get both your mask and hers. You went to get your cold weather outfit and put it on. Judging from the cold wind outside and the fact Anna was shivering a little, it seemed you would need to wear that one today. You put it on and Anna came back with your mask. She handed it to you and you put it on before you went to choose your weapons for the day. Your bow was hung on the wall near your quiver, while your crossbow was on a stump below it with another quiver, which was smaller

"Hmm....bow and arrow, or crossbow...", you said to yourself, musing over which one you wanted to choose. 

"Try the crossbow. I've never seen you use it, and it's worth a try", Anna suggested and you nodded. You picked the crossbow up and fastened your crossbow quiver onto your back and you and Anna went to hunt for breakfast. Along the way, Anna noticed something was bugging you. "Y/N, is something wrong?", she asked and you looked at her

"Anna, i was just thinking about something. Now we are in a relationship and we live together, have you ever considered...having a kid?", you asked her. Anna looked down sadly and you could tell that question hurt her. You touched her shoulder

"I have...but it's never worked out. Every time I would bring a little one back home, way before I met you, they would die. It was either starving to death, sickness or they were too cold to survive. I can't bear the thought of losing another little one, especially if it was my own child", she replied as tears streamed down her face. You were shocked by what she'd gone through, losing so many little ones. You pulled her close and allowed her to cry into your shoulder. You gently rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her

"I can't imagine how painful that must have been. Losing so many children to cruel ways of nature.", you replied with a pained voice. You gently removed both your mask and hers, before looking into her eyes.

"I...I just hope if we find another little one...i hope they do not suffer as the others did", Anna replied as she cried. You gently wiped her tears away

"I promise you, they won't. I will talk with the Entity. To try and see if there is a way for us to care for a child without the fear of losing them to sickness. The starvation and cold issues aren't that severe, due to there being plenty of food and fur for us to use to keep them warm and fed. I just hope there is something we can do to stop them from dying of sickness", you replied. 

"Me too. I don't want to lose another one to sickness", Anna said as she wiped her eyes of the tears. 

"If you don't want to hunt now Anna, I understand. I shouldn't have asked you that question", you said looking down. She gently pulled you close

"It's ok Y/N, you didn't know", she said as she hugged you. You smiled and hugged her back before the two of you got your masks back on

"Let's get some breakfast", you suggested and she nodded. 

"Any preference?", she asked. You smiled and shook your head

"I'm hungry for anything.But if we hunt small things like rabbits, we'll need to kill a lot of them", you replied. Anna nodded and you noticed a large elk. You pulled out your cross bow, took aim at the heart area and fired, hitting it dead in the heart and killing it instantly. Anna was frozen in shock, remembering something of her childhood. You nudged her gently and she looked at you

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