Two New Outfits

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About a month later, you were taking a shower in the bathroom. You had just finished rinsing out your hair when Anna's voice called for you

"Y/N, come downstairs. I have a surprise for you", she called.

"Just finishing my shower babe. I'll be down as quickly as I can", you called back. You got out of the shower and dried yourself off before getting on your outfit that had the white mask and heading downstairs. You went into the living room to see Anna in a brand new outfit

"The Entity gave me a new outfit as a reward for my hard work as both a parent and a killer

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"The Entity gave me a new outfit as a reward for my hard work as both a parent and a killer. What do you think?", Anna said showing off her new outfit.

"I don't like it", you replied bluntly. Anna looked saddened

"Why don't you-", she asked before you kissed her

"I love it! It's so beautiful", you replied and Anna cheered up. Amelia walked up and Anna removed her mask. Amelia had grown a little and she was now 10

"Nice outfit Mommy", Amelia said as Anna lifted her into her arms. Amelia picked up the boar mask and tried it on. It was a little big for her and Anna gently took it off Amelia's head before kissing her daughter on the forehead making her giggle. Kaleb walked up and sniffed the outfit before rubbing his head against it, marking it with his scent. Anna smiled and gently scratched Kaleb behind his ears.

"Wonder why she's so generous. Usually she doesn't give us new outfits for years", you asked Anna and the Entity's voice was heard just then

"It is because of your devotion. Not only to me, but to your child and family. I can sense your emotions. Y/N contains a mixture of fury, concern, love and determination. Anna contains a mixture of love, determination, anger and a need to provide protection to Amelia.", she said and you and Anna nodded. The Entity then spoke again.

"Speaking of which, Amelia are you certain you would like to be like your parents? It will not be easy nor will I be forgiving if you fail me. Your parents both know the consequences if you fail to sacrifice even one survivor on the hooks", she asked Amelia, seemingly trying to dissuade her from following you and Anna

"It is true. I failed once because I was so distracted by what that Tyler Stone guy said. The Entity punished me by torturing me over fifteen minutes but to me it felt like years", you said trying to show her how dangerous it could be.

"Is there a way for me to at least try it out?", Amelia asked and you thought about it

"I'm not sure. But you must know failing the Entity has serious consequences that I don't want you to suffer", Anna said to her daughter.

"You are still young. You have plenty of time to consider it", the Entity said before delivering a small box to Amelia. Amelia opened it and inside was a pair of clawed gloves

"Y/N spoke to me about your weapons and told me that since you would be The Lynx if you decided to, perhaps clawed gloves would be a good idea for your weapons

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"Y/N spoke to me about your weapons and told me that since you would be The Lynx if you decided to, perhaps clawed gloves would be a good idea for your weapons. These are practice ones so ther is no risk of injury", The Entity said and Amelia tried them on. They fit perfectly with her fur coat. She looked at you and gave a playful growl and you chuckled kissing her on the forehead. Anna placed Amelia down and admired how deadly her daughter looked. Amelia took the clawed gloves off and went upstairs to put them in her room. You noticed The Entity also dropped off another package on the sofa and you studied it

"Its for you sweetheart", Anna said and you opened it. Inside was a black fur outfit complete with skull mask

You took off your outfit and tried the new one on and it fit perfectly

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You took off your outfit and tried the new one on and it fit perfectly. Something else also appeared and you picked it up

 Something else also appeared and you picked it up

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"Your new weapon. For when you use this outfit. I have given it the name of Dark Hunter. Use your new weapon well", The Entity said before her voice left the realm. You headed outside and tried out the new bow. Amelia and Anna followed behind with Kaleb sat down on the porch. You pulled out an arrow and put it in the string before pulling back. To your surprise the arrow turned neon too.

"Impressive", you said before firing it

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"Impressive", you said before firing it. It hit a tree and the neon stayed. You went over and picked the arrow out if the tree. You looked over at your wife, daughter and pet. The next few trials were going to be fun. Amelia was still unsure about wanting to be like her mother and father but she had plenty of time to think about it.

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