Chapter 7

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Daryl frowned as he watched Rick squat down in front of Jim and offer him a gun, giving him the option to put himself down instead of letting himself turn. They'd been on their way to the CDC when the RV had broken down, and after they'd pulled over to fix it, Jim decided that it was his time.

Daryl could feel the sweat dripping down his back as he and the group gathered around the tree they'd laid Jim up against. Despite the fact it was now the start of September, therefore the beginning of Autumn, it was still incredibly hot, they were in Georgia after all. His mouth was dry, and his head was starting to hurt, he wondered if there was a way he could tell Rick he needed to have a lay down without concerning him.

"No, you'll need it," Jim said in reply to Rick's offer, his voice weak.

Rick moved away, and made his way to Daryl and Carl, "Come on," he said when he reached them, taking Carl's hand and placing a hand on Daryl's lower back and leading them down the hill and back towards the vehicles.

Rick looked up at the others while Carl settled against his stomach, and Daryl found himself beginning to feel nauseous and he began taking deep and even breaths, willing the urge to throw up to go away. He placed a hand on his forehead and rubbed at his temples, feeling sweat and heat beneath his fingers. He could suddenly feel himself get light-headed, and he swayed on his feet as he was overcome with dizziness.

Merle was the one to notice that something was wrong with him, "Are you okay man?" he asked.

That got Rick's attention, "Daryl?" he asked, stepping towards him.

Daryl reached his hand out and attempted to steady himself against the RV, but it was too late, the noise around him began to fade, and his vision went black as he started falling.

"Tell me something," Daryl said as he joined Rick on the shitty couch the man had in his apartment, climbing onto his lap instead because that really was so much more comfortable than the lump of grey material.

Rick's hands went to his waist, and he pulled him further on top of him, a small smile spreading on his pretty pink lips as he looked up at him, "Tell you what?" he asked.

Daryl leaned forward, pecked him on the lips quickly and then reached his hands up and threaded his fingers through Rick's curls, "Something I don't know about you," he said.

"I think you know everything about me, Sugar," Rick replied, slipping his hands under Daryl's shirt and squeezing his love handles.

Daryl raised an eyebrow at him, "We've been together barely seven months, and I already know everything about you?" he said, tugging Rick's hair a little just because he could, "Damn, babe, how borin' are you?"

Rick snorted and nipped at his jaw, "Why don't you tell me something if you're so much more interesting than I am," he told him.

Daryl hummed, grinding himself down against Rick's crotch, smirking when he groaned in surprise, "Could tell you plenty of things about me," he whispered, using his grip on Rick's hair to pull his head back, and Rick hissed at it, "Some good things, some bad things," he murmured, sucking on Rick's Adam's apple.

Rick trailed his hands down to Daryl's ass, and he gave them a firm squeeze, "Well, trust me when I say that I want to know every single thing about you," Rick said, meeting his eyes again and looking at him with such intensity that it made a lump form in Daryl's throat, "The good, the bad, all of it. I want to everything know everything,"

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