Chapter 1

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Hello! My name is Angela and I'm a witch. I live in a usual city with a lot of normal people. No one knows my secret besides my two friends. They are witches too. I attend the secret Supernatural Highschool. There are supernatural creatures from all around the world.  We start at 9 and we finish around 16 like the other schools.
"Don't forget breakfast!" my aunt says.
I probably forgot to tell you that I live with my aunt, Linda. She takes care of me because my parents are gone all the time. They barely see me. Now... you may think I go to a school like Hogwarts. Well... it's not like that. My school is not even a little bit like Hogwarts. First of all, I know a lot of supernatural creatures as unicorns, mermaids, vampires and of course witches. Most of them are friendly, but there are three girls who are called "The mean girls" how you mundanes say. Second, there isn't any evil (I hope).
It is my first day in 9th grade. Me and my friends I have only 3 classes together plus lunch. When lunchtime came, everybody ran into the canteen. You can say we don't have great food. Just if you don't like animal brains. I love lunchtime because I can talk to my friends about what happens in our classes or in the whole school. I'm so lucky to have them as my friends.
There they are... the "mean girls" and Mr. popular boy. Yeah, yeah... I know... A lot of stories have these characters in, but mine is different! I have supernatural creatures in so don't comment! Anyway... where were we? Oh yeah. They always sit at the same table where they get all the attention. This is happening since primary school. I never liked to be in the center of attention. I don't know what's so special about that.
"Angela Miller to the principal's office please!"
I run to the office with my heart beating hard. I was scared. I'm the smartest person in the school and I've never been called to the principal. With tears of sweat falling from my hair, my blue eyes looking scared and with my head held down, I am stepping in the dark office. There, a tall woman is telling me to sit down. I am reaching out to the armchair without making a sound.
"Don't be scared." says the principal calmly. "I called you here to tell you that you'll tutor Christian"
NO! I couldn't believe I'll tutor him! From all the students?! Why him?!
"Please Ms. Lee. I'll tutor anyone but not him!"
"Not a word! You'll tutor him and that's it!"
I leave the principal's office angrily! I didn't want to stay for hours with that boy! When I got home, I started practice spells. I wanted to be one of the best witches. I practice day and night without stopping. Things weren't okay with Christian. We weren't getting along at all. He was so annoying and I often caught him doing spells that were banned in school. 
A few months later I started to become more powerful. My grades were perfect, but I had a dark secret. No one knew it. I was planning something that I was probably going to regret. I wanted to take my revenge. You see... I once had a brother... but... now he's gone. That's a reason why I didn't want to tutor Mr. popular boy. Besides school, I'm training my powers so I can kill the one who took my brother's life.

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