Chapter Twenty Eight

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The castle is eerily silent when they arrive. The halls are empty and the portraits lining the walls are sound asleep. Hermione instinctively wraps her hand around Draco's and takes a deep breath.

"What's the time?" Theo asks, whispering. "It's 3 in the morning," she replies after glancing at her watch.

"Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy! What are you doing here?" A voice with Scottish accent calls. The three of them turn around, startled.

"Professor!" Hermione squeaks. "Merlin, what happened to you?" McGonagall strides towards them and looks down at Hermione sternly.

"Good...night to you too, Professor," Theo drawls, reminding the elder witch that she had completely forgotten to acknowledge his presence.

"Yes, goodnight, Mr Nott," she replies sharply. "Now would you mind explaining what all of you are doing back here? And why is Ms. Granger's shirt torn?"

"Long story, Professor," Hermione mumbles.

"But are you alright?" The headmistress questions. "Yes..I think so. Yes, I'm fine," she replies, squaring her shoulders.

"What happened?" McGonagall asks, beckoning them inside an empty classroom.

"Granger was kidnapped and tortured," Draco blurts out, squeezing Hermione's hand.

"What?" McGonagall whisper-yells. She quickly casts a muffiliato and turns her attention back to them.

"Are you sure you're fine? Should I call for Poppy?"

"I'm fine, Professor. We just thought it was best for us to leave."

"You did the right thing, children. Take some rest and we'll sort this out in the morning."

"Okay, Professor," Hermione says. McGonagall gives them all one final nod before walking out if the classroom.

Hermione turns her head to look at Draco and finds him already staring at her. He clears his throat and looks down at their joined hands. "You should get some sleep, Granger," he says, licking his lips.

"So should you," she replies softly. He nods and gives her hand a squeeze.

"Let me walk you to Gryffindor Tower," he offers. "I..," she trails off, realising that she'd formed a habit of sleeping next to him.

Theo clears his throat, making his presence known. "I'm still here, you dumbshits," he scowls.

"The question is, why?" Draco asks, scowling back.

"Huh. I'm wounded," he snarls.

Hermione lets out a chuckle and shakes her head. "Come here," she holds her free hand out for Theo to take.

"What are we now, a triad?" He asks as he grabs Draco's hand forcefully.

Hermione laughs again. "No. We're the Trio," she says, smiling.

Theo pretends to shudder. "Spare me the bullshit, Granger. Hogwarts doesn't need another Trio...not for another ten years at least."

"Spit it out, Granger," Draco gives her the look.

Hermione lets out a nervous chuckle and squeezes both of their hands.

"I just..I just want to make sure that...well- that we won't go back to how we were...before the tournament."

"Seriously, Granger?" Theo scoffs. "Is that what you think was going to happen?"

"No, I just wanted to be sure."

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