He accidentally Hurts you (Preferences)

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~Henry was teaching you how to ride a skateboard

~You weren't really confident and he assured you that you were doing fine

~He was feeling playful and decides to push you down the hill, a slight push turned into a fairly large shove

~You were screaming as you 'skated' down the steep hill

~Henry was laughing until he realised you were on the ground, crying

~You'd gotten a few bruises and grazes and also broke your wrist

~He sprinted down the hill at top speed, apologizing profusely 

~He wiped your tears gently away and kissed you passionately until you leaned back on your arm, yelping in pain from your wrist

~Henry showers you with kisses on your bruises and cuts 

~Helps you walk to the hospital

~He's on edge the whole time at the hospital despite your attempts of reassuring him that you were fine

~Picks you up from the hospital after grabbing some dinner for both of you

~ Writes 'y/n is mine. Back off' on your cast along with other sweet nonsense

~Carries you bridal style into your room, carefully laying you down on your bed

~You have a movie night, watching rom coms and eating until you were stuffed

~He doesn't leave your side for a whole 6 weeks

~Never lets you near a skateboard again

Henry Bowers X Reader (Imagines/Preferences)Where stories live. Discover now