16. Regretful thinking.

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't matter," he shrugged.

"And where the hell did you and Maria go yesterday? You do know Kristen was the one who took me home?"

"Well, I uh went to get help. I-I need to go, see you at church tomorrow," he said, hurrying away.

"What the hell?" I muttered, feeling a mix of confusion and frustration.

My phone then vibrated, and I shuffled around in hopes of finding the device. The caller ID showed Sebastian, and I smiled, remembering that gorgeous boy who loaned me his jacket. I felt a spark of excitement and anticipation at the thought of talking to him.

Sebastian: Hi.

Me: Well hello to you too!

Sebastian: Someone's in a good mood.

Me: Well, if you think a week of being grounded is me being in a good mood, think again.

Sebastian: Ouch. So, I was wondering if we could meet up today, and you could bring my jersey also.

Me: Being grounded means not going out, you know.

Sebastian: I'm really sorry to hear that, but I really need my jacket, Tinker Bell.

Me: Tinker Bell?

Sebastian: Yeah, from that Disney fairy movie, and your name actually goes with it.

Me: I didn't think you were the Disney type. Lol.

Sebastian: So, I'll meet you at Starbucks in an hour. Don't you disappoint. Bye!

Five minutes later, I tried messaging and calling Sebastian, but he would not pick up. How was I going to get to Starbucks? My parents would obviously say no if I asked, and they'd ground me for a lifetime if I ever snuck out.

Thirty minutes later, I was on my way, climbing out of my window and heading to Starbucks without a trace of anyone knowing. This better be worth it!

"Tinker Bell," his gruff voice from behind startled me.

I turned to see him dressed in a plain white t-shirt and black denim jeans, with white sneakers. His lean and gorgeous self was smiling down at me.

"What happened to your phone?" I glared.

"It was on silent," he shrugged.

"I don't buy that crap," I stated, finding a booth for us to sit.

"Well, I couldn't have you calling to cancel on me, could I? And besides, I wanted to see you," he smirked, sliding in.

"Well, here's your jersey, and now you've seen me. I need to go before I'm grounded till the end of time," I told him, handing him his clothes and standing up.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you," he said, holding onto my wrist.

I sighed, thinking maybe just a couple more minutes wouldn't hurt. "What do you have in mind?" I asked, sitting back down.

"First, let's get something to eat. How about a chicken sandwich and a chocolate milkshake?" he suggested, and right on cue, my stomach rumbled.

"I'll take that as a yes," he smiled, and I couldn't help but blush.

I'm glad Kristrin wasn't here to throw one of his tantrums again.

After ordering, we sat and ate in silence.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Sebastian asked abruptly.

"Are you always this blunt and straight forward?" I scowled.

"Very much. So, do you?" he persisted.

Was Kristrin my boyfriend? Well, he's never asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Nope," I replied, hiding my blush.

"Good... Annabella Klaus sounds good to me," he smiled brightly, making me giggle.

"Klaus is your last name? And you're way ahead of yourself, Mr. You didn't even ask me to be your girlfriend," I teased.

"Firstly, yes. Secondly, no. And thirdly, will you be my girlfriend?" he pleaded, giving me puppy eyes.

"Hmm, let me see... no," I stated, laughing.

"Tinker Bell, you're the most breathtaking girl I've ever met. There's no way I'm taking no for an answer," he smiled. "I bought you something," he finished, pulling out a red square box from his jacket.

"I want you to have this," he said, handing it to me.

"What is it?"

"Just open it."

I slid the top off to reveal a gold crested bracelet with the letters S and A written on it.

"The S stands for Sebastian, and the A stands for Anna. I hope you like it?"

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Just because you bought me this doesn't mean I'm up for anything," I glared.

He held his hand up in surrender. "It was only meant as a nice gesture, nothing else. I swear."

"I'll think about it," I sympathized. "And I have to go," I added, standing up to leave.

"Here, you can keep the jersey. It looks better on you anyway," he told me, smiling.

"Then why did you ask for it?"

"An excuse to see you, I guess," he replied, surprisingly pecking my cheek as he walked away.

My insides tingled with the sudden gesture of a kiss, flushing me red.

But as I was walking, my moment of bliss soon evaporated as my gaze landed on Marco and Maurice at a table away from where I stood. They were video-taping something, and it was undoubtedly something they were planning to use against me.

"You're in big trouble, Tinker Bell," Maurice mouthed, while Marco tapped away on his phone.


Another chapter here guys! Am really starting to like Sebastian!

-Who are you rooting for Kristen or Sebastian?

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