Majestic pains in my butt

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Silveny," she responds to the name by giving her head a little shake, "You like the name, huh? Silveny?" 

"Well, I'll be damned," someone said behind me, but I paid no attention to who said it as I stared at the magnificent beauty in front of me. Grady tried to come up behind me but she started to get riled up again. He took a step back and instead handed me some treats for her. "I guess you're going to have to be the one to settle her then. Hopefully, later we can try to introduce her to other people without them being trampled on." 


I sit back, mussing with my still dirty hair as I wait for Keefe to respond. I just finished explaining the ordeal of this morning in our daily call, and it has been quite quiet on his end. I fidget in the silence, unsure if he hung up or not until I heard a knock on my door. I tell the silent phone to wait a second, as I tell Edaline to come in. 

"Man, I sure hope I'm not Edaline, 'cause that would be akward," a familiar voice sounded. 

I jump off my bed as the tall figure walked into my room, his hair and clothes looking as rumpled and stylish as ever. 

"Keefe! Wh- what? HUh?" 

"Glad to see you too," he says as he plops onto my bed. 

"Get off," I say immediately, without thinking as the words come out my mouth.

"Again? You would think that I gained your trust by now." 

"You may have, but a stinky boy is a stinky boy." 

"Hey! I'm not a boy!" He defends, the slight high pitch whine not helping his case. He clears his voice and drops it a bit, "I'm almost a man, and I showered before coming here anyways. That's more than I can say for someone." 

He gives me an incredulous look and I dismiss it with a roll of my eyes, but that still doesn't stop me from pulling my messy hair up into a failed attempt at a bun. "Well, you never gave me a chance. And what are you doing here anyways?"

"What? Can't I come and surprise you if I wanted to?"

"Usually, yeah. But you said that you had something to do today." 

He shrugs as a cloud passes over his features.  "Your parents again?" 

He nods and rubs his eyes, "But you know what, I'm fine. Totally expected of them anyways. It's no big deal," he flings his arms around dramatically, making light of the situation. I hate that his parents treat him like a chore. (I have a few specific words for them, that if I ever see them again, - wait, yeah. nevermind. Not going to do that either.) "But hey, gives me an excuse to see you!" He smiles so brightly, that I forget that he is still a broken boy behind all his charm. 

"You know I would ask you to spend the rest of the summer here, but I think Grady would find a way to "accidently" murder you then." 

He laughs, which makes my chest feel lighter like it always does, "I would, but then you would miss this pretty face when I'm gone. And anyway, I've been spending some nights at the Vackers." 

I pick Iggy up from my pillow and slide onto the floor next to Keefe, stroking Iggy's soft fur. "Why didn't you tell me? We could have set up a giant movie night. We haven't done one of those in ages." 

He takes Iggy from me, and the little traitor goes and snuggles with him. Without burping in his face I might add. "Eh, do you think they could handle all this Foster-Keefe time? With all our gooey eyes and sweet nothings?" he mocks, puckering his lips and making kissy sounds. 

"Gross!" I yell, throwing my pillow in his face. 


"You are such a dork." 

"Am not." 

"Am too." 

"Am not." 

"Well, you are a pain in my ass." 


"AM TOO!" 

Iggy decides to settle the argument with one gaseous fart. 

"Gods, little dude. What have you been eating?" Keefe says, waving the air in front of him. 

"Some extra little stinky critters. He knew that you were coming over, and saved that rip just for you." 

"I'm outta here," He places Iggy down and runs downstairs. When I get to the top of the stairs I can hear him exclaim, "Rifflepuffs! No way!" 

"Wait! Save some for me!" I call, racing down the stairs. 

I see him, his face full, holding the plate filled with the scrumptious plates higher than I can reach.

"Oh, you don't dare." 

"Oh, yes I do," he says between bites.

I try to jump on top of him, but he holds the plate still out of reach. 

"Moooom! Tell Keefe to give me some." 

"Edaline, please tell your daughter to try and refrain from touching me." 

"What? I got cooties or something?" 

"That, and you can't seem to keep your hands off the Keefester." 

I scream as I chase after him, he has declared his death, and I will execute it. I hear my mom laughing in the background as I yell at my pain in the ass. 

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