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"Foster, can I kidnap you?"

I look up from my work, "I'm sorry what?" 

"Can I kidnap you?"

I look at Keefe, bewildered, "What do you mean?" 

"Can. I. Kidnap. You? It's very simple. Take you somewhere of my choosing with or without your consent." Keefe said, looking at me from his position on the couch. 

"Why in the world do you want to kidnap me?" I ask, turning my body on my side so that I could look at him fully. I was lying on the floor on my stomach trying to do my work for the past hour, but someone just had to keep interrupting me. 

"Because your life is boring and you need some adventure in it." He said plainly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"My life is not boring!" I exclaim. 

"Yes, it is. I have seen your planner. You have every second of every day planned out and you do the same thing every week." I hear Biana call from the other room. 

"It is not boring. I just like knowing what I'm doing." I say defensively. "Anyway, I don't think Biana will let you kidnap me." 

"Yes, I will. Please take her." Biana yells. 

"Are you not even going to ask for a ransom?" I whine. 

"Nope. Take her for as long as you like Keefe. Just make sure she gets back in one piece." 

"What about a time you need me back at?" 

"Foster, you aren't a five year old. You don't need a curfew." Keefe says, clicking his tongue. 

"Ugh. FIne. Just tell me where we are going."

"That's the point of a kidnapping. You don't know where you're going."

"Biannaaaa! Help!" I whine. 

Just then she walks into the room crossing over to me. I light up, she is going to save me! But no! She pushes me over to Keefe, who grabs my arm, and then I was being not only dragged out of my dorm but also pushed. By my best friend no less! How dare she! I kick and scream, trying to break free, but eventually, I am shoved out the door and I hear it close and lock behind me. 

Bianna calls out from the other side of the door, "You are officially banned until you have a good time." 

I mentally curse her as I make my way with Keefe down to the street until he stops in front of a truck. I look at him and the truck then back at him, "You have a car!?" I exclaim.

"One of the many gifts from my parents." He says in a voice that implies that he isn't too pleased with the matter, "Anyways hop in." 

I jump into the shotgun seat as he starts the car. Immediately the radio blasts, scaring the bejeezus out of me as Taylor Swift screams into my ears. He lunges for the volume dial, turning off the radio. I look at him with a bemused expression as the tips of his ears turn a little pink.  

"Taylor Swift. Huh, I never pictured you as one of those guys." I say with a smirk on my face. It was finally my turn to get back at what he has done to me. Or so I thought. 

"Yeah, didn't you hear, that's what all the cool guys listen to." He turns the radio back on and starts singing at the top of his voice, " Cause she wears high heels, I wear sneakers, She's cheer captain, and I'm on the bleachers." 

I laugh as he sings off pitch, then decide, why the heck not and join him, "If you can see I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along so why can't you see. You belong with me." 

The Big BangOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora