Let's Paint the Town

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"We're here," Keefe says. 

I was sitting in his car, at around one in the morning, dressed in all black, with a bandana over my head. I had no idea where I was, why I was dressed like this, and why I had to be up this early. Earlier Keefe texted me saying that I need to dress in all black and that I need to be ready to meet him later. He never said when "Later" was, so it was a surprise to see him peering through my window at one in the morning. Not creepy AT ALL! One event leads to another, which leads us here. Wherever here is. 

"Can I take this thing off now?" I huff in frustration. 

"Sure," before I could react, I felt a body press uncomfortably close to me as the bandana fell from my eyes. I then sat, staring at some very attractive icy blue eyes, a little too close for comfort. Before it got awkward I looked out the window. 

"Why in the world are we at the main building?" I ask. 

All I got for a response was a shrug and a glint in the eyes. Not very good signs if you ask me. He dragged me out of the car, carrying a big bag with him, and made his way to the closed gates. He tries the doors, but they were locked. 

"Oh well. That's too bad. Maybe this is an omen that we shouldn't go through with whatever bad idea you were planning," I try to pull away, heading back towards the car, but he pulls me back, holding my arms in place, making me face the gates. 

"No way. I planned this night to be perfect, so some little lock is not getting in our way."

I stand there, my confusion written plainly across my face. He gives me a little shove, "Go on now. Climb." 

I turn myself around so violently I almost fall over, "CLIMB!" I whisper shriek, "You want me to climb!!" 

He looks at me as if I were dumb. "Uh, yeah."

"Isn't that illegal or something?"

He scratched the back of his head as if he never thought of it, "Maybe?"

I huff a laugh, "That is just SO reassuring."

He gave looked at me, his lower lip quivering, his eye pleading. Big, wide, and annoyingly antagonizing. I almost lose myself looking at him, thinking of some very un-Sophie like thoughts. I shake myself out of my trance, "Ok. Fine."

He jumps around, pumping his arms into the air, "Yes! Come on, let's go!" 

He turns and climbs over the fence with such ease and grace, reminding me of the struggle I was about to endure. I roll my shoulders back twice, shaking my arms, praying to gain some sort grace so that I wouldn't fall and break my neck. 

"You got this Foster," Keefe calls over. 

I let out one last breath before starting my climb. I make it over without a problem and let out a sigh of relief. Of course, once I thought that I was in the clear, I felt myself lose balance and start to tip. Closing my eyes, I brace myself to feel the hard ground, but instead, I felt myself crash into something else. Something more warm and sturdy, and then the ground. I open my eyes to a bright street light blaring into my eyes. I turn my head a bit to see a golden halo of hair. I roan escaped from under me as I move to lay on the actual ground instead of my human skinned rug. 

"Sorry about that." I wheeze, "Thanks for catching me though." 

"Hey, I'm just glad that I caught you. Next time, don't literally fall for me though." 

He gives a wheezy laugh and a smirk. The perfect reason to push down on his chest to help myself up instead of using the ground a few inches away. He groans as I put my weight onto him, and feeling a bit guilty I offer him my hand which he takes. 

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