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The Miller's

Bre headed upstairs to see to her 5 babies, that were supposedly sleeping. She peeped in on the twins, and they were still sound asleep.

She peeped on Karay he was still sleep. Then Breah, who was awake just laying there. Bre took up her daughter, and cradled her in her arms.

She went to the baby's room next, and he was just stirring in his sleep. She stood over him, and watched him until he finally woke up.

She had 5 year old sassy twins Breanna and Breann. A bad ass 3 year old, Karay. A nosy ass one year old, Breah. And 4 month old, Kadane.

She held both Breah and Kadane in her arms, walking to her and her husband's room. She put Breah down and she tried messing with him.

"No baby, daddy sleep." Bree told her daughter. Soon Kayden turned over, and took his daughter into his arms.

"K-Dot, take them so I can start breakfast~and make baby Kay a bottle." Bree said to her husband, walking out as he nodded.

She went downstairs and started making Kadane's bottle, when Breann and Karay walked out.

"Where's Breanna?" She asked them. "She sleep." Breann answered. "Alright, go take a seat~"

Kayden walked out, interrupting her. "Bae where's his bottle at?" He asked. Bre handed K-Dot Kadane's bottle.

"Y'all go watch some tv while mommy makes breakfast." Bre said, excitedly to her kids. They ran off to the living room.

"Why are you so happy?" K-Dot asked his wife. "I'm always happy when I see my kids." She said, smiling.

"So what about this handsome stuff?" K-Dot smirked, pointing to himself. "Yah, whatever." Bre laughed, spraying spam in the pan.


"C'mon mommy babies, you gotta get to school." Bre said, walking her babies into their school.

"Good Morning Ms. Mack!" The girls exclaimed. "Hi my babies y'all ready for today?" She asked them.

"Yes!" Breann cheesed. "Bye mommy babies." Bre hugged and kissed her girls. "Bye mommy we're going to mish you." Breanna said.

They both ran off into class while Ms. Mack took their book bags and lunch kits. Bre walked off to her car.

As soon as she sat down she had an incoming call from her husband. She clicked accept and put her phone on speaker.

"Hey my beautiful wife." He cheesed. "Hey husband, just dropped the twins off." Bre said. "Alright get me some Chick-Fil-A on your way back and get some for the kids too."

"King you don't have to tell me." His wife said. "Alright baby I'll see you soon, I love you."

"Okay, I love you too." Bre said, hanging up her phone and put it in the arm rest.

A/N K-Dot has three different names which are K-Dot, King (nicknames) and Kingston being his real name.

Bre drove to Chick-Fil-A and picked up some food for her husband and the other kids she had at home even if she cooked breakfast this morning.

They greedy as hell. She thought. She ordered and picked up the food then went straight home.

When she got home and she stepped into the house the kids and K-Dot was in the living room, trashing it.

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