Orochimaru watched your face soften seemingly in interest, and he leaped at the opportunity. "Come along with me and I will see that you stay in a special facility away from any disease you may catch in this very room. As an added benefit, I will pardon whom you've labeled as, 'Tobi' and grant him special privileges around the base. Now doesn't that sound like a fair trade? Everybody wins in this scenario, lovely girl."

You recognized Orochimaru's manipulation tactics. He was simultaneously trying to coerce, persuade, and scare you into obeying his every command. There was one fatal flaw in Orochimaru's scheme, however; he was underestimating the extent to which it took for you to back down and surrender.

At first, your face read as if his sly techniques were prevailing, but inside you were fuming. To even suggest that you would hand over any child to such a monstrous and demonic shinobi – especially your children. Harrowing guilt still consumed you over not being able to stop Orochimaru before he could experiment on the 60+ children years ago, resulting in their death. You couldn't help but feel every drop of their blood on your hands. 

You knew about it, (y/n). All this time. You could have prevented this.

You would be damned if you let another child fall victim to Orochimaru's 'pursuit of knowledge.' A powerful burst of possessiveness sprang forth, granting you the confidence to address the legendary Sannin without restraint or conviction.

"Forget it. You can't keep us here, and you won't control either one of these kids. I'm taking them and we are leaving, and if you even think of laying even your tongue on me or Tobi,"

Your back straightened upright, indicating the extent of your unfaltering audacity toward Orochimaru.

"I vow to the afterlife I will strike you down where you stand."

Orochimaru's grave stare warned that one more bold move and your guts would be splayed violently across the floor.

"The choice is not yours to make!" His sudden rise in tone startled you. "I see the Leaf Village is still lacking in teaching its citizens proper respect. Allow me to make an example of just who you are opposing, girl."

At that, Orochimaru's grotesque and pointed tongue snaked outward at blinding speed, coiling around Tobi in a slimy and constricting prison.

"NO! Don't hurt him!" Your legs feebly stumbled toward Tobi's writhing body. You had succeeded in provoking the legendary Sannin. He was prepared to show you that opposition of any kind will not be tolerated, and what better way to break your spirit than to annihilate someone you held dear?

Tobi had been nothing but a disappointment to Orochimaru. He was brought here for the sole purpose of becoming a promising candidate for Orochimaru's future vessel. Either he was snatched from the Hidden Leaf Village at a negligible age, or his mother was abducted with the understanding that Tobi harbored Uchiha blood, but even after years of torment, his Sharingan refused to activate. Orochimaru even went as far as to seize one of Tobi's eyes for further experimentation to obtain knowledge on a why such eyes were deficient, to no avail.

It was not unheard of where some Uchihas never awaken their Sharingan abilities, and Orochimaru deemed such pathetic individuals as 'defective,' and Tobi was no exception. At this point, Orochimaru kept Tobi solely for his own amusement, but he soon grew tired of such trivial nonsense. If he killed this worm now, he'd be ridding himself of a useless, defective vessel and mentally bludgeoning you to comply as a result. This way, he'd be killing two birds with one stone.

Orochimaru smirked at the idea, but it was soon replaced with an unexpected frown when he registered that his body had cemented into the floor up to his waist, courtesy of your jutsu.

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