The Arrival

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Rain had started to fall.

      Thunder shook the sky and lightening crackled among the clouds. The wind made the trees bow to its mighty strength. A ghostly light hit the ground accompanied by the lightening. A figured lay crumpled among the dirt and sticks. Eyes as bright as the moon cracked open, and the being fought for air through its inky lungs. Feathers fell to the ground as it stood on the shaken pair of legs it recieved. The rain continued to fall as the foriegn being made its way out of the crater it created.
       The alarm clock sounded its annoying chime as Kiera rolled over to try and silence the object. After the third attempt, she finally hit snooze and climbed out of bed with a groan. While making her way to the bathroom, she streched her stiff limbs and combed through her mess of hair. Droning through her routine of brushing her teeth and hair for school, she noticed smoke coming from her grandfather's field. 'Must be burning trash again' she thought to herself and continued with her business. Deciding the wild curls were tamed enough, she finally made her way to the kitchen where her mother was cooking up breaksfast.

"It's about time you got up, you're going to be late again", she said with a smile.
        Kiera just groaned in response and plopped down across from her mom. She inhaled the food in front of her and headed for the front door. Slipping her shoes on, she waved goodbye to her mother and started her walk to school. She spoke a greeting to the older neighbors next door as she was walking by and kicked pebbles along her path. So engrossed in her game of flicking the rock as far as she could, she did not notice the rather tall figure approaching her. Right as she looked up she slammed into a very hard chest. Kiera started profusely apologizing, but the words caught in her throat when she realized the man was as naked as a new born baby. Mouth agape, she quickly averted her gaze to the strangers intense onyx eyes. She finally had a grasp of her words and stood up straight to state the obvious.

"Excuse me sir, but public nudity is a crime and you seem to be in fact naked", she stated with a grimace.

The man cocked his head to the side, wearing a confused look and questioned, "Public nudity?"

          Kiera quickly realized this man was a foriegner with the heavy accent he had, and tried to evade the situation as swiftly as she could. She yanked a lid off a nearby trash can and held it out to him. He hesitantly took the lid from her hand and looked at it in wonder.

"Please cover yourself sir, for the sake of everyone around you," Kiera said bluntly.

"Is this a gift?", the strange man questioned.

"No sir please cover your lower half with it." Kiera begged.

After a moment, a light bulb came on in the man's head and he moved the lid to cover himself. Kiera breathed a sigh of relief and crossed her arms.

"Are you lost or something?", she asked.

" You can say that," he stiffly replied.

          Kiera held out her hand for the man to shake and introduced herself," I'm Kiera from down the street."

He looked at her hand with question but eventually grabbed it in the most awkward handshake Kiera had ever experienced.

"I'm Eronin from Telvanin, nice to meet you Kiera from down the street," he said with a nod.

"I've never heard of Telvanin, where exactly is that," Kiera questioned.

The man chuckled," It is very, very far from here I promise you that," Eronin replied.

        Clicking her tounge, Kiera realized she was indeed late for first period. With a tight smile she politely said, "It was lovley to meet all of you Eronin but I really have to go." She took off in a sprint and left Eronin in her dust. Eronin followed the girl with his eyes until she was no longer in his view.

         Biology could not be anymore boring. Eronin was all Kiera could think about during her classes. Why was this strange man walking around her neighbour hood in the nude?  He acted like he had never had any kind of interaction with people before. Where was his clothes? She was scolded several times by her teachers for not paying attention during the lessons. She just could not concentrate. Where was Telvanin? Is that even a real place? Kiera was going to do some digging after her last class. No geography or history book had ever mentioned a place called Telvanin. Is it a country? Maybe it's some weird town in Canada.

        Eronin was stopped several times asking if he was alright or if he was jumped.  What does that even mean, jumped? Who would just decide to jump over someone. Is this one of Earth's weird customs? The strange girl who called herself Keira would not leave his conscience. Why was she so intriguing to him. He wants to know more of her strange quirks and customs, like this round black object she bestowed upon him. After walking for what seemed like forever, he finally made it back to the crater where he landed. His precious amber feathers were scattered everywhere and covered in mud. Eronin sat down on the damp ground and glared up at the sky.

"What am I doing here," he roared at the clouds.

"Son I have no clue but you on the wrong set of land," an old gravel voice threatned.

         Kiera stayed after school for an hour and a half searching for Telvanin. The place was simply not real. All of her searches came up empty. Her grandpa called and asked if she would bring some of her father's old clothes to him. She asked why but he just grunted about some city slicker done lost his clothes and dignity. She stumbled for a moment wondering if it was Eronin he was reffering to and quickly prayed it wasn't. Her mother was not home when she arrived of course, so she threw her stuff down and grabbed the clothes and headed out.

        The walk to Kiera's grandfather took a bit longer than usual due to the rain the night before. When she finally arrived, she groaned at the sight of the abnormally tall, still naked, man from this morning. Her grandpa covered her eyes from the sight of Eronin, and he grabbed the clothes from her hands. The old man chunked the clothes at Eronin.

"Go put them on boy and then we'll talk," he grumbled.

          Eronin looked at the strange clothing and back at the gruff bearded man in confusion. Kiera's grandpa rolled his eyes and pointed to the house. Eronin made an oh face and headed inside to put the clothes on.

Kiera turned towards her grandpa, Rufus, and gave him a shrug.

"He was wondering around my land, wasn't sure what to do with him," he said while dusting off his pants.

"Um how about call the law," she asked.

"Thers's no need for that I've got it handled," he chuckled.

        The front door swung open with a bang, and Kiera covered her mouth to keep from laughing. The clothes she brought were obviously too small for the giant man. The shirt stopped at the top of his belly button, and the pants were more like tight capris on his long thick legs. Rufus cleared his throat and patted Eronin on the back.

"They'll do for now. At least your junk is covered up," he laughed.


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