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     "So just what are you doing on my land boy." Red asked as he leaned on his gate.

     Eronin sighed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously,"I am not sure myself, I'm not from this land. I have no idea how I ended up here or how I can get back to my home." His mind raced as he tried to remember what caused him to be struck down from his world. It had to be something major for him to be cast down to earth. He pinched the bridge of his nose, he could feel a pain starting in the back of his mind.

Pain. That was not something he was used to.

Red rubbed his chin with a grimace, "Well while you're tryin' to straighten all that out, you can stay here and help around the farm. Starting with that big ass hole that lightening made in the middle of my field. You gonna need some better fittin' clothes though." he look at Kiera with a smirk.

"Oh no, I am not taking him anywhere." Kiera waved her hands refusing to be responsable for the lunatic her grandfather had taken in.

        Kiera slammed the door as she got in Red's old farm truck against her will. Eronin shot her a look but said nothing as he bent uncomfortably trying to fit in the small contraption. "Load of bullshit, making me take the nut job stranger to get clothes. Old ass man is this close to being put in a home", Kiera mumbled under her breath.


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