When she left I wanted to chase her. I didn't even care about the class, or who would raise an eyebrow.... at least at first. I will speak to her. I will find her. She's mine, I will not be without her, but I can't let others know. It would arise suspicion. Stir gossip. I've already invested so much in this mission only for it to be blown. All in all, it was mostly because I was too shocked to really do anything in that fleeting moment.

It's not everyday you find out your whole future is in the hands of a tiny girl. That's what she is. A girl.

She looked so young, too young. And yet, somehow, the Moon Goddess decided that she's my perfect match in every way. If anything I would think that the human was made for me specifically. Everything about her calls to me, as a mate should.

She's human. That reminder sticks out like a sore thumb.

I don't know where to find her. I could hunt her down. It wouldn't be a hard thing to do. I know how to find someone when I want to. And that scent, Goddess, that scent will be a beacon in the dull human world.

I'm still in a bit of a daze as I make my way through the campus grounds. Instead of paying attention to the countless faces around me, I think only of her.

What's her name? Where did she come from? Why did she find me now? If it had been a month ago, hell even two weeks ago, it would've been much easier to make her mine. There wouldn't be any issues or complications.

But, unfortunately, our relationship has to start at the beginning of an undercover mission. Why is everything so inconvenient? It seems to be the story of my life.

I get on my bike and head back to the apartment in a cloud of fuzziness. Not even the rumbling of my motorcycle is enough to get me out of the abyss that my mate dragged me into. Nothing really appears important while I cruise down the long, winding roads of the countryside, except for that beautiful face I can't forget.

I will find her. I need her.

When I arrive at the front of the apartment building I'm still dazed. My ears are ringing I realize. I can't smell anything, can't concentrate on anything. It's all a big blur around me. There's no sense. No time. I've become a useless shell as I can only think of her.

Where is she? Where did she go?

I pass the same human male in the hallway that I did the other day. I don't look his way as he scurries back into his apartment for cover.

When I'm behind the safety of my own door I sigh. The tight heat in my body is relentless. Persistent. I can't relax. I can't breathe. My own body is working against me and trapping me in its confines. What is happening to me?

Unable to take it any longer I shout out a roar as I grab the coffee table and lift it in the air, snapping it in half, kind of like my self control. I throw the wood on the ground, already looking around for something else to destroy. It ended up being a lamp. That too is in pieces on the floor before I can blink.

A heavy red color overtakes everything in sight. I tear up some pillows, threw books, smash shelves. It doesn't seem like enough. There has to be more.

There has to be more that I can destroy. I glance around quickly trying to zone in on something else. My rage needs to be sated.

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