Part 3: Reunited

810 13 3


Month: March

Day: 21

Year: 2011

Location: Japan

Previously on the Spetnaz brothers (Killing bites):


Rukav then slammed on the breaks, the jeep went to a fool stop and saw what was in front of them, a girl standing in front of their jeep just looking at them, smiling, Rukav then cocked his AK12, and said

"Оставайся здесь и следи за моей спиной." ("stay here, and watch my back." he said

"Скопируй это." ("Copy that.") said Dzehyms

Rukav then exit out the jeep with his AK12 on ready for anything that might happen, Dzehyms followed also with his gun at ready,

"May we help you, mam?" asked Rukav

"Yes~." the girl said

"There's something I need you to look at.~" she said

"Um okay."

She then opened up her jacket and showed her boob's to them,

"What do you think?~" she asked

"Wait, hang on a second!" shouted Rukav

She then opened her jacket wider,

"Please get a good look at them!~" she said

"Rukav, don't!" yelled Dzehyms

Dzehyms then pulled Rukav out of the way just in time, when a sharp object missed Rukav's leg, when they both looked back at the girl gasped in shock,

"The hell was that!" yelled Rukav

The girl laughed then said,

"Now that you looked at them, its going to cost you!" she said

She then pointed her spikes at Rukav, he then moved out of the way and readied his AEKs at her,

"Don't make me do this!" he warned

"Is that how you threat a woman." the girl said

The brother's then fired the weapons at her,

She then dodged the bullets, some hit her, but did no effect on her,

"Hahaha, you idiots think your gun's will hurt me, I don't think so." she laughed

The brothers are now hopeless on what might happen to them, then she asked,

"Before I do anything, Tell me everything you know about Ratel"

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