26: 💘Have A Baby💘

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When you want to get married and have a baby soon but he wants to wait (you both age 21+)


You walked inside his office and saw your boyfriend was working hard. Suddenly, he laid back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. He then looked at the door and saw you lurking. Well. This is awkward. You blushed and he gestured you to come inside. You sat on his lap and he kissed you cheek. “So, is there a reason why you were watching me?” Ren asked. You giggled.

“Well..maybe…” You looked at him. His eyebrow was raised.

“And?” He gripped your waist tighter. “What’s the reason?” You bit your bottom lip and looked down at the floor for a minute. Should I tell him? I mean, we’ve been together forever and…oh I don’t know… You sighed and finally decided you should say it. “(Y/n)…you look like there’s something on your mind.”

“I was just thinking…” You got up from his lap and stood behind him, laying your arms on his chest and your head right next to his. “I was just wondering…haven’t you ever thought about…getting married and having little Ren juniors running around?” Ren stopped what he was doing and stared at you.

“R-Ren juniors??” He said, wiping an imaginary tear. “Well…not at the moment. I mean, in the future yeah. But…right now…not is not the right time.” You looked at him disappointed. “Wait…you wanted to get married and have kids with me?”

“Never mind…It doesn’t matter anymore Ren…” You walked away, but he grabbed you by your wrist.

“It does matter,” he said calmly. “It’s great how you thought about our future together. But, right now…we should wait.” He kissed your cheek. “In the future definitely.” You smiled. I guess so. Waiting is always better than rushing. He pulled you onto his lap again. “And yes, I’ll tell you when I want some little Ren juniors.” Ren laughed again. He kissed your cheek. “Okay?”


Yeah, waiting is way better.


You and Ryuji were watching television and a commercial popped up It was a baby commercial. You just loved the little baby that was on t.v and thought it was adorable! From the corner of your eye, you looked at Ryuji and he kept watching. Hmm…I wonder if he wants kids one day. I mean, he’s so funny and lovable. Fiddling with your fingers, you kept thinking about it some more. “Hey Ryuji,” You said slowly.

“Hmm?” You looked over and him and he then looked at you.

“Didn’t you think that baby on the commercial looked adorable?” He raised his eyebrow and shrugged.

“It looked cute. Why you ask?” He was clueless.

“Don’t you want to get married and have kids one day?” Ryuji froze and looked at you.

“Huh?” His eyes widened. “Get married? Have kids? Er, um, no not right now…in the future. Do you want—were you thinking about marriage?”

“Yes. I want to get married Ryuji, and start a family.” He blinked.

“Oh.” He grinned and then looked at me. “Why so soon?” He touched my hair, intertwining it with his fingers. “We have plenty of time don’t we?”

“Yeah…I guess you’re right. But, haven’t you ever thought about it? You know, having kids and getting married?” Ryuji leaned in and kissed you.

“All the time. But…right now isn’t the time. I want to have kids, but not right now.” You grinned and kissed him back, mentally telling him that you understand. “But you know…when the time is right to have kids it’ll have to be perfect…so we can still practice…”


Both of you were eating and you kept giving him occasional glances. It’s been bugging you all day and finally you had a chance. You wanted to get married and have kids. You and Yusuke have been together for a long time and it was time to start making decisions for the future. Yusuke looked at you and have you his famous eye smile. You grinned back. Maybe I should tell him now. Its only for the best. It’s now or never.

“Yusuke?” He looked at you. “Have you ever thought of me and you…getting…married and having kids?” Yusuke began coughing and breathing heavily. You patted his back and asked him if he was alright. He looked at you and blushed.

“K-kids? M-marriage? When did you think of this all of a sudden? Where did this come from?”

“I want to get married, Yusuke. I want to have kids and become a parent. Haven’t you told me you wanted to become a father?”

“Yes but…right now, it wouldn’t be right. I want to be mature enough so when we do get married and if we do have kids, I’ll be ready.” You nodded, understanding his point of view. Getting married and having children is a big decision. Maybe he is right…

Yusuke gave you a kiss on the cheek. “Will you tell me when the time is right?” You gave him puppy dog eyes. He smiled.

“Yes I will, Baby.” He kissed you on the lips. He giggled at the conversation you two just had.

“What’s so funny?”


He laughed and you gave him a little push.


Flipping through a magazine, you noticed an advertisement of baby merchandise. You quickly flipped the pages again and noticed an advertisement of wedding rings. You bit your bottom lip and looked over at Akechi. He wouldn’t take me seriously! “Akechi…” You said softly. He looked at you.


“I want…” You took a deep breath. Akechi stared at you.

“You want…?”

“I want to…get married and have kids!” You slurred your speech and made it sound all bunched up together. You covered you eyes. Slowly, you peeked through your fingers and saw the expression on his face. It looked naughty.

“Ohh…so you want to have babies with Goro Akechi…” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “(Y/n), I love you, and you know that I love you. But…I don’t know if I want to get married all of a sudden.” you frowned. “D-don’t get me wrong! I want to marry someday, but not now! The same with kids. I want to wait.”

“Oh, I understand Akechi.” Even though you wanted kids really badly, you understood Akechi’s opinion and wasn’t upset.

“But…” He suddenly pounced on you and pinned your arms. Akechi kissed you roughly. “Baby making practices are always up for grabs.” He winked at you.


Published :  17 Aug 2019

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