"Have you tried getting him to talk?" I ask not turning around

"No, I don't waste my time with rogues" he says scoffing "I doubt you'll be able to accomplish what my Beta and Delta have not"

"Then it is clear you don't know me" I say picking up a jagged edged knife

"Women can't get men to talk unless it involves sex" he says and then growls "And you're not going to sleep with him for information"

I turn around and look him in he eye and say "Never underestimate the persuasive power of a women"

"Who the fuck are you bitch?" The rogue asks

"Your worst nightmare" I say and stab his thigh with the knife

"What's your name?" I ask

"Fuck you!" He says through gritted teeth

"I'll ask again" I say and pull the knife out of his thigh causing him to scream again "What's your name?"

"Ahhhhh!!!!  Charlie!" He says screaming

I hear Xavier stand up straight behind me

"Tell me Charlie, are you mated?" I ask walking back towards the table

"What's it to you?" He asks his voice laced with venom

"I'll take that as a yes" I say "Her name is Meryl right?"

I hear him growl. Bingo!

"A daughter too? Chelsea?" I say

"How the fuck do you know that?" He asks growling

"It would be a real shame if some untoward incident were to happen to your two beautiful girls" I say walking back towards him with tweezers in hand

"Like, them ending up here in my clutches all because you didn't tell us what we wanted to know" I say crouching in front of him

"Poor little Chelsea. A little girl of only 5" I say making my voice sound sympathetic "Imagine her ending up in your place, going through this" I say and grab his hand and start peeling his nails off

His screams are all I hear and they're music to my ears

"I don't think a little girl would be able to handle this, do you?" I ask

"YOU BITCH!" he screams in my face

"Such foul language" I say "Oh dear! Young Maryl is pregnant!" I say

He growls

"It would be a real shame if I took her now wouldn't it?" I ask "If I brought her in to do, Oh I don't know, this?" I say and stab him in the stomach

"Well there goes little baby Charlie" I say as I watch the blood ooze out of his stomach

I touch his blood and hold it up to his face "Look at what you've done Charlie! You've killed your baby, you've shattered your mate and you've permanently scarred your little girl!"

He looks at my hand and I see him breaking as tears start streaming out of his eyes

"Hmm, looks like I found where Meryl and Chelsea are hiding" I say giving off a far away look "I'll go see what they know, see ya later Charlie!" I say and start heading for the door

"NO!" his yell stops me "Please no! I'll tell you what you wanna know j-just leave my family alone. Please"

I turn back around "Oh but Charlie, it's too late now." I say "Maybe Chelsea will speak sooner than you did"

"No!" He yells again crying now "A guy named Darren showed up at the compound a few days ago. He said he had information that he thought the Alpha would like to know" he says

"Alpha?" I ask

"Yes, That bastards brother is our Alpha" he says looking at Xavier

"And you all follow him? I thought rogues didn't want an Alpha?" I ask

"He promised us revenge on all the people that have wronged us" he says "Like he wants revenge on him, the way your cousin wants revenge on your sister and the way that Darren guy wants revenge on you"

Xavier growls at that

"You said the compound? Where is this 'compound'?" I ask

He looks hesitant to answer

"Should I go ask Meryl this question to see if she'd be more inclined to answer?" I ask

"No!" He says "It's just, they're going to kill me if they found out I spilled"

"What do you think I'm going to do to you if you don't?" I ask

"The compound is at the old Vampire kingdom" he says "The Alpha has taken up residency there and your cousin has become his Luna of sorts. They plan to overthrow the WhiteClaw and DarkThorn packs simultaneously and then combine them and take over the werewolf world"

"What about Darren? What does he get out of this deal?" I ask

He looks at me and doesn't want to respond

"Answer her" Xavier growls from behind me

Charlie looks up at him in fear

"He wants..." He starts then looks at Xavier "Oh gosh." He says and a look of realisation crosses his face "You two are mates"

"If they're going up against you two then they're going to have the fight of their lives" Charlie says

"Answer the question Charlie" I say

"He made the Alpha a deal. He would tell them everything he knew." He says and looks at Xavier then at me "On the condition that when it's all over and he's dead" he gestures to Xavier "He gets you"

I hear Xavier growl and I turn around walk towards the exit of the cell

"Thanks Charlie" I call over my shoulder.

I stop right next to Xavier and look up at him as he looks down at me

"I told you not to underestimate the persuasive power of a women" I say and walk out leaving him standing there.


Also please

Follow me on Instagram: @Skittle_Queen13

Follow me on TikTok: @SkittlesNdRainbows

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