Chapter 3

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As the majordomo's voice resounded through the grand ballroom, announcing her arrival with regal precision, Ailene felt a flutter of nerves mingle with the swell of pride that swelled within her chest.

"Presenting Her Royal Highness, Princess Ailene Bellatrix Vashi of House Buckmere, Crown Princess of the Kingdom and Regent of the Kingdom," the majordomo's voice echoed.

As the majestic melody of the orchestra faded into silence, a hush descended upon the opulent ballroom, and the graceful dancers came to a standstill, their gowns swirling around them as they turned to behold the grand entrance.

Ailene stepped onto the balcony, a vision of regal elegance bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. With a graceful wave, she acknowledged the assembled nobles below, her gaze sweeping over the sea of faces with a mixture of poise and humility.

But amidst the throng of courtiers, it was her brothers who drew her attention, seated at the opposite end of the grand hall upon thrones of gilded mahogany. The ornate thrones, adorned with intricate carvings and draped in luxurious fabrics, stood as symbols of their royal birthright. Her heart ached at the sight of the empty seat beside her mother's throne, a poignant reminder of the absence that cast a shadow over their once-united court. Ailene felt a pang of longing for the familiar warmth of her family's presence.

Descending the grand staircase with an air of grace and determination, Ailene was flanked by her loyal companions, Freya and Oceana, and a contingent of vigilant guards. The ballroom sparkled with the soft glow of countless chandeliers, casting a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow across the gilded walls.

As she neared the foot of the stairs, a ripple of anticipation swept through the crowd, parting like the sea before a regal figure making his approach. Ailene's keen senses tingled with recognition as her gaze locked onto the tall, imposing form weaving through the throng. There was no mistaking the commanding presence of King Francis, his noble bearing cutting a path through the sea of guests with effortless authority.

Taller and more imposing than she remembered, King Francis strode forth with a confidence that spoke of his royal lineage. His attire bespoke wealth and power, each garment meticulously chosen to accentuate his regal bearing. With every step, his dark hair swayed in perfect harmony, framing a face sculpted by the hands of the divine.

Yet, beneath the veneer of perfection, Ailene detected a flicker of something more. Behind the mask of bored indifference, she glimpsed a simmering undercurrent of anger, carefully concealed but unmistakably present. Despite her practiced smile, her heart sank at the realization that the alliance she was about to forge would come at a price far steeper than she had imagined.

The room fell into a heavy silence as all eyes followed King Francis's measured strides. Ailene felt the weight of his presence like an invisible force, commanding attention and respect. As she reached the bottom of the steps, he stood before her, a silent challenge in his gaze.

Ailene understood the unspoken hierarchy between them. Despite her status as crown princess, he held the title of king, and she knew she would be the one to break the tense silence that hung between them. With a steadying breath, she met his gaze, prepared to navigate the delicate dance of diplomacy and power that awaited.

Ailene sank into a graceful curtsy, her movements fluid and elegant as she greeted King Francis. "Your majesty, it is an honor to have you in our Kingdom," she intoned.

King Francis returned her gesture with a respectful bow. "The honor is all mine, Princess Ailene," he replied, his tone measured yet courteous. With a gesture, he extended his hand to her, a silent invitation to join him on the dance floor.

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