Chapter 4

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The heavy iron door slammed shut, reverberating through the dimly lit safe room and drowning out the distant screams that echoed through the castle corridors. Oceana stood at attention by the entrance, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the hilt of her sword. Every nerve in her body was taut with anticipation, her mind racing with thoughts of what could have caused such chaos while she was on holiday.

Ailene paced back and forth across the room, her hands itching to return to the battle outside. Before her coronation, she would have been allowed to fight alongside her people, but now she was confined to this safe room while they suffered. With a sigh, she finally sat down on a nearby couch, her fingers tapping restlessly against the armrest.

Meanwhile, King Francis remained poised and vigilant, his brow furrowed in concentration as he communicated with his advisors via magic. His gaze never wavered from the swirling patterns of communication before him.

As time passed agonizingly slow, Oceana's telepathic connection with Airis hummed with urgency as she desperately sought answers amidst the chaos. And then suddenly, there was silence as King Francis lowered his hand, signaling the end of their communication. His expression was grave as he turned to face Ailene, his gaze piercing and inscrutable.

King Francis's voice rang out, his words laced with a steely edge. "These are not mere assailants, Princess Ailene. These are creatures from the forbidden realm of Shadowlands, drawn to your immense power."

Ailene's breath caught in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. The Shadowlands were said to be a place of darkness and chaos, where malevolent beings roamed freely and sought to wreak havoc on their world.

"Why now?" Ailene whispered, her eyes wide with fear and confusion.

The king fixed her with a somber gaze, his dark eyes filled with the weight of wisdom. "My Advisor suspected this for months," he confessed regretfully. "He cast the Luminae Umbralis spell, revealing that the barrier between our world and the Shadowlands has weakened. Your growing power has unintentionally become a beacon for these creatures."

Ailene's accusatory gaze bore into King Francis's as she spoke. "If you've had suspicions, why keep them from us? From the order?"

Just then, the doors burst open and Airis stormed in covered in a black, oozing substance. Oceana rushed towards him, frantically checking him over before dismissing herself with a shake of her head.

Airis smirked at his fellow guard. "Thought you said you never worry about me," he teased.

"I absolutely do not," Oceana retorted, quickly making her exit.

Turning back to Airis and the king, Ailene asked urgently, "Have our guests been secured safely? We owe them an apology for this attack on our kingdoms."

Airis nodded grimly. "They are protected within the inner chambers by our best guards. We will ensure their safety as we deal with this threat."

A wave of relief washed over Ailene at this news, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. But before she could fully process the gravity of the situation, Airis pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I was so worried, Airis," Ailene whispered, clinging to him. "How can this be happening now? I have to become queen, get married, and now this monstrous threat?"

Airis held her at arm's length, meeting her gaze with reassurance. "We will handle it swiftly and keep our kingdom safe."

King Francis cleared his throat pointedly, causing both Ailene and Airis to break from their embrace. "As much as I hate to admit it," he began, "your kingdom is the pillar of our realm. An attack here would have devastating effects on us all. So in a way, this does profit me."

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