Chapter 1

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In the illustrious realm of Aetheria, where magic intertwined with the remnants of a forgotten era and whispered through the air and every stone of the castle seemed to hold secrets of centuries past, Princess Ailene awoke to the gentle melody of a harp echoing through her chambers. The music flooded her senses as sunlight filtered through the stained-glass windows, casting vibrant patterns of color upon the polished marble floors and illuminating the tapestries that adorned the walls with scenes of myth and legend.

As her lady-in-waiting prepared her bath, Ailene's thoughts turned to her mother, Queen Valentina, whose absence weighed heavily upon her heart. In her study, Guillaume, her trusted royal advisor, stood with an air of solemnity, his form casting a shadow over the room. Though his elven ears were concealed beneath a cascade of curls, his presence commanded respect, for he was the sole confidant permitted to brief her before the day's proceedings.

"May I see my mother anytime soon, it has been weeks since I last had tea with her?" she inquired, her voice soft yet tinged with concern.

"The queen is indisposed, Your Highness. It would be wise to occupy yourself with other matters," replied Guillaume, his demeanor as rigid as the stone walls that surrounded them.

But Ailene's curiosity could not be quashed so easily. With a regal bearing that belied her tender age, she pressed Guillaume for answers, her gaze unwavering as she sought the truth hidden beneath layers of tradition and secrecy

"What is going on, Guillaume?" she demanded, her voice a quiet command tinged with urgency.

Guillaume hesitated, his eyes betraying the weight of unspoken truths. "The queen has fallen ill, Your Highness. Your coronation has been hastened, and there are those who question your readiness to ascend the throne."

"My mother is ill, and no one thought to inform me about this? Have my brothers been informed? Where is she now?" Ailene questioned with urgency, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and determination. Beneath the layer of fire she portrayed, a simmering heat threatened to erupt, coursing through her veins like molten lava as she fought to maintain her composure in the face of the overwhelming news.

"The queen urged the council not to inform you until you were ready, but now the coronation will be in two weeks, and I fear the day has come for you to be told the truth," Guillaume confessed solemnly.

"Where is she?" Ailene demanded, her heart heavy with concern yet her resolve unwavering.

With purpose guiding her steps, she made her way to her mother's chambers, the air heavy with the scent of antiquity.

Upon entering the room, Ailene's breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. Queen Valentina lay upon her bed, bathed in the soft light of dawn, a vision of grace and vulnerability amidst the grandeur of her surroundings.

"Mother, what has happened to you?" Ailene murmured, her voice threaded with worry. "What is this that Guillaume says about my coronation being in two weeks?"

"I am with child, my dear," Valentina whispered, her words carrying the weight of a prophecy foretold in whispers and shadows. Tears streamed down her cheeks, pooling upon the sheets like crystalline dew.

Ailene's mind reeled with disbelief. "How is this even possible, mother?"

"I am so sorry, my darling," Valentina replied, her voice heavy with regret and sorrow.

"Mother, how could you be so careless? There is no one courting you, and the council will absolutely destroy us. What happened?" Ailene's voice quivered with a mixture of anger and fear, her eyes fixed on her mother with unwavering intensity.

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