Chapter 12: Camelot

Start from the beginning

As much as I am grateful for the men of Camelot saving my life and their King offering a new life for me, I don't feel a thought I can, or should, stay here. It's going to take more than a lesson or two on 'normal' life for me to get the memo.

It'd be best I figure this out on my own, as I've stated before, but Arthur won't have it. I know I'll cause trouble. Not physically, but to the presentation of Camelot's justice system. I'm more trouble than I'm worth. Anyone could see that. But Arthur has it stuck in his mind this is an opportunity to make a change, and apparently, others agree.

I woke in the early hours of the morning, plagued by my inner thoughts calling for me to jump ship while I could and high tail it out of here. I had a strangely even number of reasons to stay as I did to go. It took a lot of willpower to stop following the pattern I usually would. My mind is still not entirely made up.

"How so?" Gwaine asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Well, I're all just going off the chance that I'll choose to give up my lifestyle. Sure, I saved the King's life, and yes, I'm choosing to leave that behind for my wellbeing. But how does this make Camelot and Arthur look? I'm going to be far more trouble than you need. And like I mentioned before, I look out for myself...."

Gwaine lets out a loud howl of laughter despite my trying to be serious. It's as if everything I've said is the funniest joke he's ever heard. A few eyes would shoot in our direction if they weren't already, causing me to feel anxious. I move on from the store in embarrassment, disgruntled as I hear Gwaine follow me.

"You don't know yourself well, Edythe", Gwaine comments, appearing by my side again. For some reason, I get even more annoyed when he says my name. "I'm beginning to see what Arthur meant when he said you were shielded."

I come to an abrupt stop. Gwaine notices. coming to a halt in front of me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, my voice starting to croak from so much talking.

"I didn't mean it offensively. What I'm trying to say is, you don't believe in yourself enough, and because of that, others don't either."

"Then why do you?" I ask, genuinely curious by what Gwaine says. I know I have issues that I need to figure out—but hearing someone talk of them as if they could understand annoys me and fascinates me somehow.

"Well, for a start", Gwaine begins, crossing his arms across his chest. "You may not admit it... but during a short period, after Ivo had been revealed, you changed. As if...a mask dropped and suddenly there was a different woman we hadn't seen before."

"I don't see where you're taking this."

"I'm saying," Gwaine groans, getting annoyed with my slowness to catch on. "I think you're so used to hiding behind a tough act that you've forgotten to be yourself. So, where I'm going with this, I want to let you know that we all believe in you because we've seen that you. You, Edythe, need to find her again."

"Wow," I exclaim, taken aback by the speech I was given. "Who would have known Sir Gwaine could be so...wise."

Gwaine smirks in triumph. Although I'm not entirely taken his words, not sure, I can agree with them. Call me biased, but I don't see how anyone, Gwaine included, could be so naive to think that a person has a 'good' side. I guess I was simply in my most vulnerable place at that time, so, therefore, I acted differently. It doesn't mean I'm not true to myself...right? There's no way I don't know myself as well as I should...surely not...?

"I like you", Gwaine confesses out of the blue, chuckling. "I hope you stick around for a while. I think Camelot needs some new character."

"I don't mind you, I guess", I tease, now commencing my walk down the street, Elyan and Gwen coming into view up ahead. "Although I'm not sure if I am a good candidate for a new character."

"See! Right there! That's downgrading to yourself," Gwaine protests, pointing at me in exaggeration. "We're going to have to change that."

"We're?" I raise an eyebrow, not sure how to feel about the plural.

"Yeah, as your new volunteering friend, I vow to help you learn the ways of us 'normal folk'," Gwaine muses, a grin on his face at the mockery.

I smirk. "I think I may be talking to the wrong person for that."

Gwaine brings a gloved hand to his chest as if offended, jaw ajar. "M'lady! An unjust assumption!"

I cringe at the term M'lady, feeling my nose crunch up in the disgust of the meaning "Never say that again."

"What? ...M'lady?"

"Yes, that."

"What's wrong with it, M'lady?" Gwaine taunts with a cheeky grin.

I glare at the knight. "I'll prefer anything but that", I answer, rolling my eyes as I can't hold back the amusement anymore.

"Well, if so, I could try, madam?" I glare at the knight. "Princess?"

"God, no."


"Getting better, but ew."

"Gorgeous?" Gwaine stretches. His voice is even higher as he reaches for anything his mind can grab.

I cackle in disgust. "Definitely not."

"I'll work on it. I'll find one you won't be able to resist."

"Do you do this with all women?" I ask, chuckling as I notice Gwen and Elyan headed in our direction.

"Only the ones who leave a mark", Gwaine jokes, pointing to his now light-yellow bruised cheek.

This brings a genuine laugh from my lips, my cheeks heating up for some unknown reason. I look to the ground as I feel the laughter take over, Gwaine joining in as he realises I'm honestly amused.

"Some of my best work", I tease through laughter, nudging the knight in his ribs. He jerks awkwardly to the side in protest of my jab. I burst into uncontrollable laughter at his expression. Gwaine sticks his tongue out like a child as he leaps away from my second attempt to jab.

"What have you done to her, Gwaine?" Elyan asks, eyes wide in surprise by my expression of laughter.

"What have I done?" Gwaine gasps in the offence, "what about what she's done?"

We all laugh in unison at Gwaine's childlike protests. "Be gentle with him, Edythe. He's delicate."

"Noted." I grasp my side, which begins to hurt from the laughter.

"Speak for yourself," Gwaine grumbles, nudging Elyan playfully. Elyan nudges him back, the two suddenly beginning to rush away as they both try to tackle and playfully hit each other.

Gwen and I chuckle together as people jump out of the two knight's way. "Is it always like this?" I ask, taken back by how simple and laid back the lifestyle is beginning to look.

"Mostly, yes", Gwen answers with a wide grin in thought ", but that's only the half of it."

I look at the serving girl, stunned, wondering how anything could be crazier than two knights acting like young boys in public. Any thoughts of trying to leave fade as the desire to see what Gwen means creeps in. I suppose I could stay just a little longer... to witness the strange daily lives of the new people I have met.

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