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Y/n= first name
Y/l/n= your last name
E/c= eye colour
H/c= hair colour
In this book Uhura and Spocks relationship is purely friendship and doesn't go any further unlike the films. This is also set after all the films and your character joined the crew just before the last film
So due to you having green blood for events in the story and blushing with that is way to obvious so you have a special makeup that bones got for you that colour changes to red when your face heats up instead of green. So unless stated otherwise you always have that on outside of your room.
I'm afraid in this one that the characters hair will have to be long to go into your characters secret that you will soon find out about.
Unless stated otherwise your hair is in this design:

When I say about your bag it is a hand me down that was given to you from your mother and it looks like this:

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When I say about your bag it is a hand me down that was given to you from your mother and it looks like this:

When I say about your bag it is a hand me down that was given to you from your mother and it looks like this:

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You were the head nurse aboard the Star Ship Enterprise. You had been able to join the Enterprise right out of medical school due to you close friendship with Bones. You had been close to him during your time at medical school but due to your few year age gap he was sent out first leaving you to finish your studies. He was also one of the very few people that new your secret and why you never changed your hair style from your bun that allowed it to cover your ears. Your were part Vulcan. You weren't half Vulcan that would have been harder to hide but your great grand father was a Vulcan so you inherited some Vulcan traits such as the ears and the colour of your blood but other things such as your emotions were that of a normal human so it wasn't to hard to hide it. Luckily because of my great grandfathers age when the disaster on Vulcan had occurred he had been allowed a safe means off the planet. Your great grand mother however had died a few years after your grandfather had been born where at the time they had been living on earth and the story's of how they were treated lead to you wanting to hide your ears along with not telling anyone as well as some things you saw later in life. After this he moved back to Vulcan with your grandfather staying with my great grandmothers half of the family while still visiting him on Vulcan and in time with his children as well and then also with me. I was luck that he got off alright and after my grandmothers passing just before the event my grandfather moved with him to the new Vulcan so they could both pass on there knowledge. The tutors new obviously but you had seen how some Vulcans had been treated growing up. When your grandfather had come to visit with some other Vulcan family they had also solidified your choice in the way that some of the people treated them. Bones had to take a blood sample from you during your second year at the academy and after you asked for a privet room and after some pestering from him you explained it to him, scared he would dislike you after that. Luckily it only brought you closer as it made him more protective over you and close like siblings. So once you had graduated he had pulled some strings to get you aboard the Enterprise with him and a few years later you were his head nurse which gave you your own office because of the extra work even though the office wasn't very large it gave you some space to relax and be your self with bones and the way he treated you without getting some weird looks from the other staff. Some of the older nurses had found out about your secret but they had been understanding with a bit of persuasion from bones to keep your secret as it meant that you had some people to cover for you if anything happened such as getting a cut which is what lead them to find out in the first place. You had also become friends with Uhura on you time there and she had accidentally found out by coming into your room while you were doing your hair. She does drop some hints hear and there as a joke but one sharp look from Bones makes her shut up and you both just laugh about it mostly due to your contrast to the other part Vulcan on the ship. Spock. He did interest you but other than the fact that anytime he came in Bones made a excuse for you to perform the exam so that he didn't have to interact with pointy ears as he put it. But that was the only interactions you had which did make you more curious to if he really was part human from the way he acted.

You had just been invited by Uhura to lunch with the rest of the bridge crew and because you hadn't got a excuse this time you had to go....

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