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(Just imagine (y/n) infront of the combine soldiers)

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(Just imagine (y/n) infront of the combine soldiers)

Later the one eyed helmet man took a revolver out of his suit and aimed the gun on the path where (y/n) was. I tried to warm him but I just couldn't talk or move, the only thing I could was cry and look how my brother was going to die...

The trigger was slowly getting pull by the one eyed helmet man... I then heard a gunshot and look at my brother's head exploded and falling in the floor... I was crying my eyes out. I face the man with the one eyed helmet and look deeply in to the visor...

Until he spoke...

???: He was suffering Ruby he was nothing but a worthless puppet for humanity. But I made him not only a master... But a leader.

I didn't know what he was talking I was scared to even hear what he was saying but he continued.

???: You will end up like him. You will be a puppet in a worthless war and loose everyone you love. And you will die just like him. Being a worthless pawn and weak.

He then aimed the gun at me. I was screaming in fear. I didn't want to die and nether die by the hands of the one who killed my brother. I tried to scream or run but I couldn't the only thing I could was contemplate my own death. He pull the trigger and I wake up screaming.

I heard a some fast foot steps on the stairs coming to my room and the door open reveling my dad.

Tai: Ruby what happened?!

Ruby: ...sorry that it- it was just a nightmare.

Tai: ...ok. just try to sleep again, ok sweetie?

Ruby: o-ok dad. Goodnight Dad.

Tai: goodnight Ruby. If you can't sleep just tell me ok?

Ruby: ok.

Tai: ...ok

Then he leave leaving me alone in my dark room and looked outside to see that the storm was still there. The same one where that helmet man appear in my nightmare. But I was just thinking what that man said.

Ruby: what did he mean when he said made him a leader...? What did he mean... That my brother is alive...? It's probably just me... I'll just try to sleep again.

And with that I rest my head on the pillow and close my to the sleep take over and almost immediately a fall asleep.

Meanwhile in mountain glenn...

The storm was concentrating ona point where the lightings were frequent and stronger. And out of nowhere a green big portal open reveling to be the combine and there overlord (y/n)...

(Combine elite synth)

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(Combine elite synth)

(Combine elite synth)

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(Combine strider)

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(Combine strider)

(Combine strider)

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(Combine synth)

(Imagine it's night it is in mountain glenn and with the previous combine units and combine soldier of the background and enviously (y/n) in front)

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(Imagine it's night it is in mountain glenn and with the previous combine units and combine soldier of the background and enviously (y/n) in front)

(Y/n): it is time to conquer remnant for our benefactors.

To be continued.

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