As Playful As A Kitten

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"Good question. I will tell you when I know the answer."

"You guys haven't talked about it yet?"

"Well, no. It hasn't been long, and honestly it's kind of an awkward subject."

"You're grumpy." She pouts.

"Yeah. A little bit." You sigh.

"Why?" She asks.

"I'm just feeling kind of frustrated with work and I also want to know where Thomas and I stand with each other. I mean, we kissed. What if that was just spur of the moment for him?" You say.

"I don't think it was spur of the moment." She says thoughtfully.

You hear a knock at your door, "Okay. I have to go. I'll call you later. Bye!"


You hang up the phone and glance in the direction of the door. You decide to try something different.

"Come on in!" You call.

You hear murmering coming from the other side of the door and then it opens and you hear a male British voice whisper, "Hello?"

"Yeah. Come in. I'm in the living room." You say as you snatch a blanket off the couch and start folding it.

"See! I told you she said come in." You hear Dylan say.

You turn around and fine the three boys in the archway of the living room looking around.

"Hey." You say with a nod.

"Hi there!" Dylan says as he walks forward and plops down on the couch, "How's life?"

"Life is....decent. I can't complain." You say you share a glance with Thomas, who smirks.

Ki sighs, "I'm going to go raid your fridge."

"Yeah, you have fun with that, I don't have much in there anyway." You say as Ki walks out of the room.

Dylan glances around, "Is your house just super quiet when we aren't here?"

"Yep." You say popping the P.

"How boring is that?" Dylan asks scrunching up his nose.

You laugh, "Definitely more boring than having three men in my house doing....who knows what they're trying to accomplish."

"We try to accomplish what others tell us is impossible! We bodly do what no man has done before!" He boldly raises his fist in the air.

"There's probably a reason no man has ever done it before." You mutter.

"Yeah! They're weenies that's why!" Dylan says.

Ki walks out of the kitchen bowl in hand, "So you completely lied to me. You have Cocoa Puffs."

He takes a bite of his cereal.

"How do you eat so much?" You ask in awe.

"How don't you?" Thomas says flopping on the couch next to Dylan.

"Are we still going to the animal shelter?" You ask, changing the subject.

"Yeah." Ki says while he chews.

"Then why are you guys getting all comfy?" You ask.

"Because, you're our Mommy and our Mommy tells us what to do and she hasn't told us to leave yet. So we're waiting for you." Dylan says in a childish voice.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat