Chapter Seven: Sleeping Dart

Start from the beginning

Danny went back to his room, not before wishing his parents goodnight. He noticed that they didn't look like they were going to sleep either. He shrugged uninterested. It was no surprise they were working on another invention so he didn't bother asking them. He knew that if he did, his father would destroy any drowsiness still left in him.

The half-ghost hybrid jumped back into bed but still didn't give in to sleep. Somehow, his brain wouldn't just shut off. Like it was begging him to get out of the room and do something that would keep his body active, or in other words, something dangerous. He couldn't describe the feeling... it reminded him of someone who had just consumed five cups of coffee. Not that he would know how that felt like.

Danny groaned, realizing that this wasn't going to work so he decided on the only thing he could think of. Ghost patrol.

He usually patrolled the area with his two best friends, but he knew they were fast asleep by now. Plus, even if they weren't, it was a Friday. He wouldn't bother them by going out just so he could have some company. It was also pretty cold and Danny noticed that as soon as he opened his window and let the chilly air pool in the room.

But before going out, he made sure to hide some pillows under the blanket so that if his parents ended up checking on him for any reason, it wouldn't appear that he had disappeared (or kidnapped by ghosts because that seemed like the most obvious scenario to them).

"I'm going ghost!" the boy whispered excitedly, commanding the white rings to wash over him, transforming him into Phantom. Although the lab was a long way from his room, he wasn't risking his parents hearing him. They would either get suspicious or send him to a mental hospital! Or perhaps attempt to 'scare-the-spooks' out of him as referred to his dad. He mentally cringed at that memory and shook his head, wanting to forget it.

The half-ghost flew out of the window, facing the dark soothing sky. The only source of light came from the bright full moon illuminating up high. Danny made sure to close his window so that his room wouldn't be freezing when he got back later at night. Satisfied, he flew over the window and onto the streets, smiling.

Flying was one of the few abilities he enjoyed. He liked the feeling of glistening in the sky, like one of the stars. He felt so... free. He forgot all of his troubles when he was flying carelessly through the sky, not a care in the world.

The boy felt himself get a bit tired. But not completely. He still had some leftover  energy stored in his body that was begging to be let out. So Danny decided to scan the empty streets so that he could have something to focus on. Maybe if his mind got bored with the oddly silent city, he might finally get some rest.

But Danny didn't really expect the place to be so... quiet. It was an eerie quiet that made him grow suspicious and force him to be on alert. There was always something going on, so why was there not a single peep? Danny shrugged the odd feeling but soon regretted jinxing it when his ghost sense went off.

'Of course. I knew I couldn't have one peaceful night without a ghost interrupting it,' he grumbled to himself but sighed. 'But then again, I was the one who insisted on the idea of ghost patrol.'

He followed his ghostly senses that led him to the dog park. And that's where he spotted his target.

"Haven't seen you for a while. Back to attack me again, after your two failed attacks?" he asked with amusement although he knew the ghost couldn't understand him. The giant snake hissed which made Danny raise an eyebrow.

'So it does understand me. Well, what do you know?'

The cobra was paper white with a green underbelly and spiky tail. It's blood-red eyes bore into Danny's soul, his fangs pulled out, ready to strike its venom.

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