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“I am not a Negro Miriam leave me alone!!!” The house was uproar. It was the middle of a banquet and Harriet had grabbed a knife and pinned a senator’s wife to the wall screaming at her. The poor woman was crying and pleading for someone to help her. The guests gathered around the two women wondering what would happen next. George tried calming Harriet down but it made her even more agitated. The woman’s husband said words of comfort to his wife but did little to help.

“Get me away from her Mark!!” She screeched pale with fear.

“You want to take away my son Miriam? Stay away from me you devil!” Harriet head butted the woman knocking her unconscious. She released the woman and kicked her as she slid onto the carpet. People gasped and some ran out of the room when Harriet turned to face the crowd. She had bags under her eyes. Her hair looked like a bird’s nest and her makeup was a mess. “What are you all looking at?” Harriet barked pointing the knife at them. She didn’t notice George move stealthy behind her with a flower vase in his hand. Harriet was about to throw the knife at the crowd when George threw the vase on her head. Some of the women winced as it shattered to pieces as it came in contact with Harriet’s small head. Harriet plummeted to the floor, inert from the force of the impact. A small pool of blood surrounded her. George mumbled under his breath. She would get stitches later.

“Sorry for the small incident ladies and gentlemen.” George said picking Harriet from the floor. He took her in his arms and left the room, heading to her chamber with his guests murmuring amongst themselves.

George knew they were talking about his wife. A scandal had already broken out in his own home. The women would be whispering that his wife had been possessed by the devil and would wonder what she had done to deserve it. George made a mental note to explain to them his wife hadn’t had much sleep in the past week and that was why she acted the way she did. It was just stress. But then, they already knew of the incident with the young physician Lewis. Word spread around town like a wild fire.

George entered the room and placed Harriet on the bed, making sure to cover her with blankets. She found it easy to catch a chill.

He left the room and returned back to his guests. They were in their small groups talking amongst themselves. “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen.” He called out trying to get their attention. They didn’t hear him. He took a spoon and hit it on a glass cup. “Ladies and gentlemen may I please have your attention.” The room became silent and the guests gave George their full attention hungry to hear every word he said. “My wife has been suffering from a lot of stress lately and that’s the reason she’s going nuts. But don’t worry; with the right amount of sleep, she’ll soon recover. Please get back inside the hall so we can resume supper.” George smiled as the guest shuffled into the large hall. Everything was under control for now...


“Have you tried talking to someone?” Axe asked Hawk woman as they sat under the orange sky.

“I have told you one wants to talk to me.” Hawk woman sounded, irritated at the fact Axe didn’t seem to pay attention to what she was saying.

“Why don’t you try and start a conversation with someone?” Axe persisted.

“Because they think I’m a witch. That’s why they stay away from me.” Hawk woman threw her hands in the air and walked away. Axe watched her leave and shook his head. She didn’t seem like a witch to him. She looked and sounded sane. He stood up and went to talk to some children sitting around in a circle.

“Hello.” Axe said with a smile. “Can I join your group?” He asked.

“No.” One of the children said with the shake of his head.

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