Henry and the angel

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Yulana gasped in surprise. She wanted to run away from the child and never speak to him again. She wanted to tell him what he was doing was wrong. He was her master. She was his slave. The law forbade any sort of relationship between them. She had already broken the law by befriending him, and now he thought of her as his mother. If this was found out, she was at risk of getting a merciless beating by one of the overseers or maybe the child’s parents.

Yulana eyes blurred with tears as she wrapped her arms around the boy. Henry was the closest thing she had to a son. She didn’t want to let go of him.

When Henry broke the hug, she quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

“You should go back to your chamber before your presence is missed.”

Henry smiled again before leaving. He would ask Yulana about her singing later on. He ran to his room and carelessly placed his coat in his trunk. He threw himself under the covers and pretended to be fast asleep.

He tightened his eyelids when the door slowly open.

“Henry wakeup. Its prayer time.” His mother’s voice seemed to melt the small warmth left in his airless room.

Henry sat up and went after his mother. He followed her to the drawing room, where his father prayed and gave him a memory verse to remember.

“Love your neighbour as thy self.” His father said.

Henry frowned trying to hide his contempt. His mother was quiet through prayer time, only smiling when Henry met her gaze.

When prayer was over, Henry left to get ready for the day. Professor Wilkins would be coming to give him private lessons again. Thinking about it gave Henry a headache. The man would ramble on and on about things. Henry himself wouldn’t be surprised if the old man died while talking. God should have made him a parrot.

Professor Wilkins came to the house carrying his brown leather satchel. Henry noticed he had bought new spectacles. He thought the glasses made the professor look even older.

“Now young man, today I shall be teaching you about the world.” The Professor said. His voice was deep and gruff. “I shall be teaching you the history of Egypt. So listen, young man.” The professor moved closer. Henry felt uncomfortable. “What do you know about the world?” He asked.

Henry shrugged “God made the world.”

“Correct Henry!” Professor Wilkins stood up and started pacing around the room.

“What do you know about Egypt?” He asked.

Henry answered “There are lots of pyramids in Egypt.”

The professor smiled and began talking of all the wonders of Egypt and the Nile River. That was all Henry heard because his imagination went wild.

He imagined being in Egypt and climbing a pyramid. He had to get to the top by sunset, but there were bullies at every corner trying to bring him down. He fought them and defeated them. He then had to battle a gorgon with a sword. He killed the gorgon and the advanced to the top of the pyramid and was just about to place his on the shiniest stone, when Professor Wilkins slapped him at the back of his head.

“This is the time to listen. This is not the time to get carried away!” He barked.

“I’m sorry professor.”

“Listen to what I have to say my boy!!” The professor snapped. He sighed and smiled kindly. “Speaking of Egypt...come here.” He motioned for Henry to come towards him. Henry rose from his sit and stood by the professor’s side. Professor Wilkins pointed at the window. “What do you see?”

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