Laura Smith

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I'm sorry. I couldn't just do it. I couldn't leave all of you hanging on 'till Saturday. i just couldn't. So here's another chapter of Caged Bird Screaming. Please don't forget to comment and vote. it's immensly appreciated :D


The girl smiled brightly when the coach pulled outside her cousin’s home. She ran out when it finally came to a halt, forgetting to take her suitcase with her. Her wild red hair bounced behind her back as she moved swiftly to the large house before her. She knocked the door loudly, and before long, it was soon opened by a Negro.

Laura scoffed at the Negro and entered, leaving a muddy trail of boot prints on the polished floor. She found her aunt sitting by the fire place knitting.

“Aunt Harriet. I’ve arrived.” She squealed loudly.

Harriet smiled weakly and stood up with her arms outstretched. Laura ran up to her and Harriet picked her and swung her around. “Welcome Laura.” Harriet laughed and hugged her favourite niece. She placed her on the ground and ruffled the child’s hair. “How are you?”

“I’m fine Aunt Harriet.”

“That’s good. Where’s your suitcase?” She asked her eyes darting around the room worried. If Laura forgot her suitcase, she’d run around in boy’s cloths. It was hardly fitting for a politician’s daughter to wear clothes made for the opposite gender.

“I left it in the coach. The Negros can get it. That’s what they are meant to do. Where’s Henry?” Laura looked around the room.

“He’s is in his chamber playing with his toys.” Harriet called out as Laura ran out of the room calling Henry’s name.

Henry looked up from his game as his dreaded cousin opened the room door.

“Henry!!” She squealed and ran to him.

Henry tried to suppress a groan “Hello Laura. It’s a pleasure to see you. ”

Laura pouted “Why do you always have to be so rude when I’m around?”

Henry shrugged and instantly defended himself “I’m not being rude, I’m just tired.”

“If you are so tired, why are you playing with your toys?” she scoffed.

“That’s none of your business.” Henry growled angrily.

“I don’t like you!!” Laura cried.

“I don’t like you too.” Henry looked away.

A deathly silence hung in the air and neither one of them was prepared to break it. Both children turned as the door was opened. “Are you two arguing again?” Harriet looked from one child to the other. When no reply came she sighed and turned to Henry. “Henry be nice. Harriet is here to stay with you for a week and keep you company.”

“But I don’t want any company.” Henry grumbled.

“Don’t talk back to me when I’m talking to you!” Harriet barked. Laura smiled mockingly and poked her tongue out at him.

“Laura darling try to be nice to Henry.” Harriet smiled and walked out of the room.

“Carrot head.” Henry scoffed.

“I am not a carrot head!!” Laura yelled. She stamped her foot on the ground angrily.

“Well you shouldn’t have poked your tongue out at me!!”

“Oh that’s it!! You can play with your stupid toys by yourself!” Laura slammed the door behind her as she left the room. Henry groaned and fell onto his bed. He was having a headache again. He soon started feeling guilty. He shouldn’t have called Laura Carrot head. He grunted in frustration. Laura was the one who started the fight. It wasn’t his fault she was so self centred.

Caged Bird ScreamingWhere stories live. Discover now