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To some, he was another mistake but to his mother, he was a gift. Although he was created in the most horrendous manner, his mother still loved him. He was a mulatto. He mother was a Negro; his father was white. Some slaves would look at him and shake their heads in pity but Jack didn’t understand. He was too young to understand.

Jack ran along the gates of the plantation with his friends happily. He felt free with the wind blowing on his face and feeling the soft ground underneath his feet. His eyes closed for a moment as he imagined himself in an open field without gates and overseers. He imagined having a big house at the other end of the field where he’d live with his mother. He’d have his own dog and wouldn’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn to harvest cotton. Overseers were not allowed in his field. No one could whip him or pull his ears. He was safe and free in his field.

Jacked opened his eyes. He could see a large fence at the distance going in every direction. He knew what the gate was for. It was to keep him and his mother out. It was to designate him and his people from society. The master said Negros were animals and needed to be locked up.

An overseer stood by the gate smoking tobacco. He eyed Jack as he ran along the perimeter and sneered. He cracked the whip and Jack winced. Jack’s friends too stopped running and froze in their positions.

They wanted to run. He wanted to run; however he knew if he ran away, it would only increase the overseer’s anger. Jack comprehended scurrying away; but he couldn’t run forever. He could hide but couldn’t hide forever.

His heart was beating erratically, thumping violently against the walls of his chest. Jack kept a straight face and tried to look unafraid as the overseer came towards him.

Fear as the elders said, gave the white man power. Fear was not to be shown. The black man was to be strong like his people before him. The elders would talk about a place over the water were they were once kings and ruled their world.

The overseer came closer and closer. Jack moved his feet.


Henry was in his room playing with his sword, imagining himself as a warrior who had to rescue his friend from an evil king. The story took place at the plantation and it was Angel who needed recuing. An evil king had ordered him to go into the woods all by himself and Angel was now lost and needed rescuing.

Henry jumped around in his room pretending to cut large branches and small shrubs. “Angel where are you?” Henry called out. He heard Angel’s cry.

“Don’t worry angel. I’m coming to rescue you!” He yelled began running around his room circling his bed and making strange noises.

Henry finally found Angel lost and frightened in the middle of the bush. He freed him and saved the day.

”Master?” Henry turned around. Yulana was standing by the door.

“My name is Sir Henry, knight of the castle!” He exclaimed in a manly voice.

Yulana laughed “Well Sir Henry it’s time for your bath.”

Henry groaned “But Yulana, can we please wait for a while, I just saved my friend Angel and I need to sing him a lullaby.

Yulana looked around the room caught up in Henry’s story. “Where’s Angel? I can’t see him.” She felt young. She felt vibrant again.

“You can’t see him. I’m the only one who can.” Henry said when he noticed what she was doing.

Yulana dropped her shoulders and sighed in disappointment “Oh... I see.”

“Don’t worry Yulana I’ll help you see him.” Henry moved closer and took her hand. “Angel is sitting on my bed ready to listen to my lullaby. He’s wearing my blue night clothes.” Yulana nodded.

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