Maze part two

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seeing i gave you a short chapter and took ten long hours to finally update, i've decided to give you a longer chapter :)


Axe arrived at the small town at noon looking like a criminal running from the law. He hid behind a small shop daring to poke his head out once in a while to make sure no one was coming. He took quick peeks at the shop through the glass window and moaned softly when he saw the cakes standing near the counter. His stomach grumbled and he instantly ducked back to his hiding spot.

Axe almost jumped out of his skin when he was tapped on the shoulder. He slowly turned around ready to run if necessary. His heart dropped when he saw a little girl standing before him and then leaped when his eyes caught sight of the large slice of cake on her small palm.

"It's for you." The girl brought the cake closer to Axe.

Axe hesitated "You're not supposed to help a Negro."

The girl shook her head "Here. Take it." She took Axe's hand and placed the cake on his palm. She smiled and began walking away, when she stopped and turned to Axe, "Don't worry. I will not tell anyone about you." and ran off.

Axe watched her scurry out of sight and looked at the cake she had given him. "Thank you." He whispered and began eating it, taking small bites trying to savour the taste.

"Negro." Axe froze. The girl had told someone about his whereabouts. He felt betrayed but knew it was to be expected. No one apart from Henry and Cook could be trusted. Axe looked up and almost dropped his cake when he saw the man standing before him. It was the overseer who helped him earn a position as one of the house slaves, and as hard as Axe tried, he couldn't remember his name. "We meet again Axe, but this time in different circumstances." He said in amusement.

Axe blinked not knowing what to do. He wasn't amused; he was petrified. The man laughed heartedly "Come inside the shop Axe. No one's going to hurt you. Not while I'm here." Axe nodded and followed him inside the shop. He saw a woman and a little boy by the counter placing pies on the table. "Sit." The man pointed to a small wooden chair at the other side of the room. Axe sat on the floor next to the chair. The man frowned, and pointed to the chair. "Sit on the chair Negro." Axe sat on the chair embarrassed when the child looked up at him with amusement.

The man left the room and soon returned with a plate of broth. He handed it to Axe who ate it hurriedly. He pulled up a chair and sat in front of Axe watching him intently.

"He is very hungry father." The man picked the boy and placed him on his lap.

"Yes he is mighty hungry indeed." The man replied stroking the boy's hair softly. The woman glared at Axe and turned away. She didn't support Negroes being used as slaves but didn't like them either. They were filthy creatures who sacrificed their children to their gods and ate their hearts.

Axe finished and smiled at the woman offering his thanks. She looked away and left the room. The man smiled sadly "My wife doesn't like your people." Axe nodded in perfect understanding and placed the bowl on the floor. "So what are you doing here Negro?" He asked. A muscle jerked in Axe's jaw. He didn't know what to say. It was as if his heart was in his throat. The man tilted his head and raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "You're running away from George aren't you?" Axe kept his mouth shut, intimidated by the man's glare. "What did you do Negro? Did you have a go at the mistress?"

Axe's eyes widened "No. I did not." He began blabbering on frantically trying to explain what happened.

"Hold on Negro. I can't understand a word you're saying." The man said trying to calm him down. Axe stopped talking and composed himself. "Start all over again, but this time speak slowly and clearly so I can understand you."

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